Black Man Murdered by White Supremacists Near Richmond California | Afrikan Black Coalition
— Chisarokwu Esq. (@theAfroLegalise) November 24, 2016
Two white supremacists who murdered #WillSims are still at large.
Their names are Ray Simons and Daniel Ortega and they are armed.
— #WillSims (@BlakeDontCrack) November 24, 2016
Beaten & shot to death by 3 white men in California hate crime the week Trump was elected.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) November 25, 2016
If a lynching doesn't make you want to start a revolution I cannot imagine what will.
— Kadijah Means (@SpecialKay00) November 24, 2016
#WillSims was murdered by three white supremacists in the Bay Area. And people still buy into the myth that we're so "progressive" out West.
— Raiders 8-8 (@ElMoteroIsGreat) November 24, 2016
#WillSims murdered by three white men in Calif. hate crime
— Roq(in) around the
(@roqchams) November 27, 2016