Girl suspended for shaving head

A third grade girl was suspended from school for shaving her head to support her friend battling cancer.


Community Village‘s insight:


Any difference is picked on and criminalized. 


Other news stories have been about natural African hair not being okay with the school.

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“Manhattan was sold for $24”


“Manhattan was sold for $24″ worth of “trinkets” or “glass beads” by Native Americans to the Dutch. It is something taught to most American schoolchildren by age eight. That was true in 1911, in 1949 and in 2009. The $24 is never adjusted for inflation.”



Community Village‘s insight:


Click through to read the whole article by Abagond, based on “Teaching What Really Happened” (2010) by James Loewen, “The Island at the Center of the World” (2004) by Russell Shorto, (2013), Wikipedia (2014)


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Students learning English benefit more in two-language instructional programs than English immersion, Stanford research finds

A partnership between the Stanford Graduate School of Education and San Francisco Unified School District examines the merits of four approaches to teaching English language learners.


Community Village‘s insight:


My daughter has been in dual-immersion (Spanish / English) since kindergarten. She is now in 4th grade and reading English at an 8th grade level.


Most bachelors degrees require a second language. It is easier to learn the second language while young. It is an injustice and a frustration to children to delay until college the learning of a second language.

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Student Sues California University For $5 Million, Alleges Horrifying Racial Abuse



When there can be this level of bullying at San Jose State University, a bastion of progressive thought, that should be a bellwether for everyone nationwide,” Douglas told Reuters.


“I want there to be a conversation started by the filing of this claim… there are issues of racial intolerance, of bullying and of harassment running rampant in universities and colleges across this nation,” he said.

University spokeswoman Patricia Harris declined to comment on the claim, which named as defendants the university, its president Mohammad Qayoumi, a school housing adviser and others.

Authorities said four white roommates taunted and harassed the student, who was 17 at the time, by displaying Nazi imagery and a Confederate flag in their dormitory and attempting to hang a U-shape bicycle lock around his neck.


The roommates, also students, referred to him as “three-fifths” or “fraction,” the claim said, in an apparent slur relating to the fact African American slaves counted as only three fifths of a person under an 18th century agreement between U.S. states to determine state population sizes.


The roommates barricaded him in his room, and threatened him with a golf club when they tried to locate a missing pet goldfish, the claim said. The harassment lasted from at least September 23 to October 31, 2013, it said.


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“Suspicion Nation” – Addressing the Critics; Re: Maddy


“… Maddy, I can understand you more now as a person, but I still don’t like that you changed your vote. There, I said it.  Does that mean that I hate you?  No.  Does it mean I have no respect for you as a person?  No. If I were to meet you, I would want to sit and hear about everything you experienced in Seminole County.  I think we might have something in common moving away from our hometown within our hometown, to find that people in other parts of this great nation are not welcoming to “outsiders.”


I would tell you that our brains process what our guts tell us.  Example?  When you were mocked and demeaned, did you first feel it in your gut, or your brain?  It took your brain time to discern that the women were not laughing with you, but at you. If your gut hadn’t processed their motivation, your brain would not have discerned it.

So, what is the problem that the anti-Trayvon Martin camp has with Maddy and Lisa Bloom’s interview of her?  They allege that Maddy told Reverend Sharpton on his Politics Nation program, that she had not been bullied.


Thankfully, that interview is on Youtube.  Reverend Sharpton said that there are those who question what happened in the jury room.  Did people pressure people?  Were people bullying Maddy?  He asked her directly, “Were you bullied, Maddy?” Maddy hesitated.  She started her answer with “we.” She stopped again, and when she continued stated, “I can’t say I was bullied.”


As she continues, she goes back and repeats what she has always contended; i.e., that the way the law was read to her, she could not say that Zimmerman was guilty.


What I see in Maddy’s interview on Politics Nation, and her interview with Lisa Bloom, is that Maddy speaks of two distinct times.  She tells Lisa Bloom what happened BEFORE the jury deliberated and it was at that time when she was bullied.   By the time that the jury deliberated, two of the jurors had already re-defined Maddy in her person to believe that she was not educated and intelligent enough to understand anything presented to the jury at trial, neither the jury instructions, nor the law to in which to apply the facts.  By the time of jury deliberations, there was no further need to bully Maddy.  She was already intimidated…”

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J. Marion Sims


“Dr J. Marion Sims (1813-1883), a White American surgeon, is widely considered to be the father of American gynaecology. He founded Woman’s Hospital in New York, the first of its kind in the country…”



Community Village‘s insight:


If you read this whole article, it will underscore Dr. Cornel West’s quote : “The notion that black people are human beings is a relatively new discovery in the modern west.”


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Gym told me I had to wear more than this

A California woman says she was asked to cover up while working out at her gym because she was intimidating people.


Community Village‘s insight:


How is really harassing who here?

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The Color of Wealth: The Story Behind the U.S. Racial Wealth Divide


“For every dollar owned by the average white family in the United States, the average family of color has less than a dime. Why do people of color have so little wealth? The Color of Wealth lays bare a dirty secret: for centuries, people of color have been barred by laws and by discrimination from participating in government wealth-building programs that benefit white Americans.”



Community Village‘s insight:


Book recommended by Joanna Shoffner Scott and Paula Dressel of Race Matters Institute


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“Breaking out the data this way provides an opportunity to explore the structural reasons for this gap, like employment and education opportunities or barriers and immigration history. ”



Community Village‘s insight:


Asian data is missing before 1987 or so. That’s due to the U.S. Asian population not being large enough before then to be ‘statistically significant’. The reason for the low Asian population is due to the Asian Exclusion Act of 1924 and the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.


Immigration policies are no longer based on race. They now prefer the highly educated, which explains the higher income.


If the U.S. would implement low cost public higher education it would level out this income gap over time.


The U.S. benefits from the educational infrastructure of other countries. The U.S. uses (im)migrant brains without making the investment in education for it’s own citizens.

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