Click here to Receive Reparations or Pay Reparations for Oppression, Stolen Land, or 246 Years of Enslavement



My name is Glenn Robinson and I have been inspired by Damali Ayo’s National Day of Panhandling for Reparations .

I run a blog called Community Village and another called Oppression Monitor. I thought these would be perfect places to ‘panhandle’ for donations that can be paid right back out.

I will use these funds to pay out reparations and use 33 cents from each transaction to maintain the payment system.

You can test our beta versions here:

Reparations through Oppression Monitor

Reparations through Community Village

You can also check the accounting

Thank you!



“Manhattan was sold for $24” “Manhattan was sold for $24″ worth of “trinkets” or “glass beads” by Native Americans to the Dutch. It is something taught to most American schoolchildren by age eight. That was true in 1911, in 1949 and in 2009. The $24 is never adjusted for inflation.”



Community Village‘s insight:


Click through to read the whole article by Abagond, based on “Teaching What Really Happened” (2010) by James Loewen, “The Island at the Center of the World” (2004) by Russell Shorto, (2013), Wikipedia (2014)


See on

Oil companies dumping radioactive waste in ND

Don Morrison, of the Dakota Resource Council, talks with Rachel Maddow about the challenge of holding oil companies responsible for pollution in North Dakota.


Community Village‘s insight:


Europeans invade Native land then dump radio active waste all over it.

See on

Interview with Ancestral Pride: Indigenous Land Defenders


Radio-BED sits down with Crow and Sacheen of Ancestral Pride for a necessary conversation on land defence, Idle No More, settler solidarity, nationhood and going home.


In this special report, Ancestral Pride schools listeners of all nations on the reality of the struggle for safety and self-determination and the importance of asserting and re-asserting Indigenous jurisdiction and authority over lands that have never been surrendered.
See on

Mount Rushmore


is it safe to order Clomiphene Mount Rushmore (1745m)  is a mountain sacred to the Sioux called Six Grandfathers. Whites desecrated it with the faces of four white men carved into its side in the early 1900s.”


Community Village‘s insight:


Another kickazz post by Abagond.

See on