#BigGame commercial the NFL would never air

Watch the #BigGame commercial the NFL would never air. Get involved by contacting the Washington Professional Football Team, the NFL and the Washington Post:

DC Team


Roger Goodell & NFL


Washington Post

DC’s hometown paper is still using the R-word in its coverage of the team.


Thank you to all of the filmmakers who donated their footage.
See on www.youtube.com

On Asian American Privilege


“The explosion of online race talk about Asian Americans lately is enough to make your head spin. Are we progressive or conservative? Are we rich or poor? Are we privileged or oppressed? And the thorniest of all: are we allies or colluders on the question of anti-blackness?”



Community Village‘s insight:


I think U.S. groups are still segregated so much that people don’t even know other groups well enough to know them as fellow humans with the same needs, wants, desires and frailties.


One thing remains constant though. Everyone knows which group is the largest oppressor, and that many oppressors are equal opportunity oppressors.

See on www.racefiles.com

▶ Minority students get harsher punishment in school – YouTube


“The Departments of Education and Justice together issued new guidance on Wednesday to help public schools administer student discipline without discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin. Data shows that students of color face harsher punishments for committing the same actions as their white peers.”

See on www.youtube.com

Family of Georgia student suspended for teacher hug files appeal

The family of a Georgia student suspended for the school year for hugging a teacher has filed an appeal with the school board, the teen’s mother tells CNN.


Community Village‘s insight:


In his senior year of high school, he is suspended for a year.


He did not deserve a suspension for this. However, he should have simply been told that some people don’t like hugs. If he was in a Latin country, this would be less of an issue. It’s common to kiss on the cheek as a greeting in Mexico for example.



See on www.cnn.com

10 examples of Indian mascots “honoring” Native peoples

Indian mascots, they’re totes honoring to Native peoples, right? That’s what fans always tell us, at least. Inspired by this image above posted on twitter, from a Sonic in Benton, MO, I…

See on nativeappropriations.com

Black Woman Shot to Death for Asking for Help in a White Neighborhood

Last Saturday morning at around 2:30am 19-year-old Renisha McBride got into a car accident in Dearborn Heights, a predominately white Detroit suburb. Because her cell phone battery was dead, she went to nearby home for assistance.

See on jezebel.com

Weight Stereotyping

Weight Stereotyping article from Glamour Health and Diet by Sharon Dreisbach.


Community Village‘s insight:


People are always judging people, and often the judgements are wrong.



See on radicalhope.wordpress.com