The Border Patrol has a big problem with excessive force


“The US Border Patrol has a problem. And the face of that problem is Esteban Manzanares.


Manzanares, a Border Patrol agent, was on duty along the Rio Grande in March when he came across a Honduran woman and two girls who had crossed the river illegally. Instead of apprehending them, he sexually assaulted the woman and her 14-year-old daughter, slashed the mother’s wrists, and tried to break the teenager’s neck. Then he abducted the other daughter and tied her up in his home before returning to finish his shift.”
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Protesters mark 3-year anniversary of brutal border attack

Dozens of immigrant rights activists marched Saturday in San Ysidro to ask for justice for an immigrant who was brutally beaten three years ago by border patrol agents.

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U.N. Human Rights Committee Scrutinizes Border Patrol Use of Force


U.S. Southern Border Region – The Southern Border Communities Coalition (SBCC) applauds the U.N. Human Rights Committee’s demand for improved reporting and effective investigations of excessive use-of-force cases by U.S. Customs and Border Protection at the U.S.-Mexico border as part of a review of the United States human rights obligations under the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).”

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San Diego Border Community Rallies to Support Jose Gutierrez

Community Village‘s insight:


“Shena Gutierrez, the wife of Jose, released this statement on behalf of their family:


“Three years ago, our lives completely changed when Jose was handcuffed and taken from us to be deported to Mexico, a country he had not seen in over 3 decades. We did not think things could get any worse until March 30, 2011, when Jose was brutally beaten into a coma by Border Patrol agents. For 3 years we have been fighting for justice. The release of four names out of the eleven agents involved in the beating of my husband is not good enough! We want ALL names released! We want justice, accountability and transparency!”


Since the incident occurred three years ago, Shena Gutierrez has become an outspoken advocate in defense of her husband and other border families who have been affected by border brutality and abuse of power. On a few occasions, she has traveled to Washington D.C. to speak to members of Congress who have been made aware of the lack of accountability and oversight within the nation’s largest law enforcement agency.


Last June, she joined with the families of Anastasio Hernandez Rojas and Valeria Munique Tachiquin in a video asking their Senator to equip Border Patrol with body worn-cameras, which CBP has committed to, but has not yet implemented.  Last week, the request was once again raised, this time to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.

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Immigration enforcement gone rogue in ‘Border Patrol Nation’

In his scathing and deeply reported examination of the U.S. Border Patrol, Todd Miller argues that the agency has gone rogue since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, trampling on the dignity and rights of the undocumented with military-style tactics.

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Bipartisan Duo Hopes House Can At Least Agree To Stop Border Patrol Abuses


“Comprehensive immigration reform efforts haven’t been successful in the House, but two members are hoping they can address at least one key piece of the issue: preventing abuse along the border that leads to invasive screenings, seizures of personal belongings, serious injuries and even deaths.”

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Alleged teen cop killers likely turned gun on selves, police say

Two Florida teens allegedly shot a police officer to death before apparently killing themselves, authorities say.


Community Village‘s insight:


This CNN story leaves more questions than answers.

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Video: Yasiin Bey Force Fed Under Standard Guantánamo Bay Procedure


Yasiin Bey—also known as Mos Def—is cur­rently work­ing with dir­ector Asif Kapa­dia and Human Rights organ­iz­a­tion Reprieve on a reveal­ing pro­ject that deb­uted this morn­ing. In the clip, Yassin par­ti­cip­ates in the stand­ard force-feeding pro­ced­ure con­duc­ted for detain­ees at Guantá­namo Bay. s Ramadan begins, more than 100 hunger-strikers in Guantá­namo Bay con­tinue their protest. More than 40 of them are exper­i­en­cing this procedure.”



Community Village‘s insight:


I had my stomach pumped out like this, minus the chains. It was painful.


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