Marlene Pinnock, Woman Beaten by California Highway Patrolman, Settles for $1.5 Million

Marlene Pinnock, the 51-year-old woman punched repeatedly by California Highway Patrol officer Daniel Andrew on the side of a freeway in an incident caught on video, will receive $1.5 million under…


SC trooper charged with felony in shooting Black man who had his hands Up! [VIDEO]

An S.C. trooper who stopped a man for a seat belt violation outside Columbia and then shot him – apparently without provocation – was arrested Wednesday and charged with assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature.



His hands were in the air when the officer shot him.


Remember #MikeBrown 


Teen tackled, pinned by cops in school – CNN Video


A family says three police officers tackled and pinned a high school student to the floor for using her cell phone.



What do you think? Should students be allowed to have smart phones in school?


How Police Caught The Cop Who Allegedly Sexually Abused 8 Black Women


“Prosecutors say Officer Daniel Holtzclaw made a mistake after a series of sexual assaults on black women in Oklahoma City — he profiled the wrong woman. His family says he’s a victim of “solicited testimony” from women who have “personal motives” to lie. BuzzFeed News reports from the Oklahoma County courtroom where, Wednesday, prosecutors described a pattern of sexual harassment and assault.”


– Click through for more –



Chicago to settle police abuse lawsuit for $150,000


This week, the Chicago City Council Finance Committee approved a $150,000 settlement of a lawsuit filed by the manager of a tanning salon who was slapped and verbally abused by an officer during a police raid last year. Caught on camera.




How the police are when they think that no one is recording.


One of the Los Angeles Police Officers Who Murdered Ezell Ford Has a History of Terrorizing Communities

While the autopsy results are being withheld from the family and public, both officers are on paid administrative leave.


A Video Survey of Police Interactions: Inequality in Black and White

Comparing examples of white and black Americans’ encounters with police seems to present undeniable evidence of injustice. But does this type of footage ever make a difference?


Gawker Uncovers Trove NYPD Horror Stories


Media outlet Gawker is currently running an ongoing series documenting horror stories of reader run-ins with the NYPD. With “NYPD Harassment Stories,” writer Jason Parham is attempting to shed light on some of the department’s under-reported incidents of brutality.

“Police brutality, which we believe should be treated as a national crisis, is not limited to streets of New York or Los Angeles,” writes Parham. “But examining the actions of the country’s largest and most famous police force, and giving a voice to the victims of its violence, is a start.”

Here’s one reader’s story:

The incident happened about 2 years ago to my husband. My husband is a Dominican of dark complexion. He was exiting the 4 train in the Bronx after a long day of work, at the time he was working security. He saw some one he knew being stopped by the cops made eye contact with the police and kept it…

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