U.S. School Meal Programs

Black Panther Party Free Breakfast Program

Black Panther Party Free Breakfast Program

The Black Panther Party began giving FREE breakfast to children as early as 1969.

Free breakfast was one of over 60 community services provided by the Black Panther Party.

Black Panther Party Free Breakfast Program

Black Panther Party Free Breakfast Program

The U.S. government began a pilot breakfast program in 1966, expanded the program in 1971, and further expanded in 1975. Federal funding varied by the family income of the participating child.

U.S. government lunch programs began as early as 1853  with The Children’s Aid Society of New York. In 1894 Philadelphia began serving ‘penny lunches’. Boston began a lunch program in 1908. Federal aid started in 1933.

The government run program requires children to qualify for free meals or pay for the meals. If the children don’t qualify, the school will bill the children for their food. Schools have been found not treating children with dignity, courtesy and respect.

Utah was caught throwing children’s lunches in the trash when their accounts ran low on money.

A New Jersey mother says her son’s school replaced his hot lunch with a cheese sandwich when money ran low in his account.

A principal in Colorado was fired after speaking out about her school’s lunch program that had a policy of stamping children’s hands who didn’t have lunch money, shaming the students in the process.

CNN’s coverage of school meal fiascoes.