How Guns And Violence Cost Every American $564 In 2010 Each injury caused by a firearm sets in motion a prolonged series of events. There’s a car-ride to the emergency room…or the morgue.
gun violence
Brother Mistakes 13-Year Old Sister For Intruder And Shoots
Sidney M. Johnson, 20, was visiting his father’s home in Janesville, Wisconsin. On Wednesday, he heard someone in a bedroom, got his dad’s 9 mm handgun, inserted a magazine, chambered a cartridge,…
Gun owners are more likely to shoot their own family or friend than an actually criminal.
Update on 14 Year Old Girl Mistaken As Burglar Killed By Stepfather
29 year-old 2nd Lt Daniel Meade has been identified as the man who shot and killed his 14 year-old step-daughter, mistaking her for a burglar. He is listed as an active-duty health service officer…
Mother Shoots Through Door, Kills Daughter Holding Baby
In a horrible accident a 52 year old Florida woman shot through a door killing her 25 year old daughter – who was holding a 4-month-old baby.
14 Year Old Girl Mistaken As Burglar Is Killed By Stepfather
“Another tragic killing in Colorado. This time, it’s in Colorado Springs. It’s a breaking story, so there’s not much information yet.
Police spokesman Larry Herbert gave a statement saying that Monday morning, around 6 a.m., a call was made of a burglary-in-progress. When police arrived on the 4300 block of Ascendant Drive, off North Carefree Circle and Peterson Road, they found a 14 year-old girl had been shot by her step-father. She was taken to an area hospital where she died of gunshot wounds. ”
72 Year-Old Man With Alzheimer’s Killed After Ringing Bell At Wrong House
72 year old Ronalld Westbrook, who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease, wandered away from home and was shot four times and killed after ringing the doorbell and turning a doorknob at a house in Geor…
Mass Shooting Victims And Families Speak Out (VIDEO)
A breakdown of the numbers:
- 934 people have been killed in mass shootings over the past seven years
- 88 people were killed in 2012 in a total of 16 mass shootings
- 16 mass shootings since Newtown (December 14, 2012), each killing four or more people
- 67 mass shootings in the last three decades, 30 of which have occurred since 2006
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