‘We called for help, and they killed my son,’ North Carolina man says

70 seconds: That’s how long a North Carolina family says it took for things to go horribly wrong after they called police for help with their mentally ill son.


Community Village‘s insight:


If you call the police for “help”, be aware that the police carry guns. The police will use their guns if they feel their life is being threatened.

See on www.cnn.com

Dad Calls Cops on Son to Teach Him a Lesson, Cops Shoot Son Dead

A father’s attempt to teach his son a lesson for taking his truck without permission ended in tragedy Monday after a local police officer shot the teenager dead.


Community Village‘s insight:


Never call the cops on your kids or family or friends, unless your life is in danger.


The cops have guns and will use them if they feel it’s necessary.


The officer was told to back off – but never did.

See on gawker.com

Wiyot People of California


Joe McGinnis (Wiyot from the Bear Creek branch), Nicole McGinnis (Hupa Tribe), and their daughter, Tea

Joe McGinnis (Wiyot from the Bear Creek branch), Nicole McGinnis (Hupa Tribe), and their daughter, Tea

Population Numbers and Declines

Year    Population or Change
1770   1,000 to 3,300

1858    State militia unit (Trinity Rangers) killed Northern California Natives rampantly for 5 months and were mustered out of service. –North Coast Journal

1860    Twelve massacres over 2 to 5 days by lynch mob of European settlers –North Coast Journal

2004  477


1860 Wiyot Indian Massacre

1860 Wiyot Indian Massacre

Indian Island, Humboldt Bay, California

Indian Island, Humboldt Bay, California

In the early hours of Feb 26 1860 the Whites began their 2 day massacre (up to 5 days by other accounts) on at least 12 CA Indian sites. Dulawat village on Indian Island, on the lower Eel River, at least two locations on the South Spit, at Table Bluff, in the Fortuna area, in the Rio Dell area, at Humboldt Point, several ranches on Elk River, and the village of Kutserwalik at Bucksport.

Cousins Matilda and Nancy Spear gathered up their three children at the start of the massacre and hid with them on the west side of the island. Afterwards, they found seven other children left alive. They put the entire group in a canoe, rowed them across the bay, and then walked to Matilda’s husband’s homestead in Freshwater.75 Nancy later described the massacre to her nephew: “They came like weasels in the night, crawling on their bellies. We were without any men to protect us. We had never fought the white men and had thought they were our friends.”
– (The Matilda & Nancy Spear Memorial Foundation. Brochure. Photocopy in the “Indian Island Massacre” file, Humboldt County Collection, Humboldt State University Library, Arcata.)



The Wiyot people have recently had 40 acres of Indian Island returned to them.  –North Coast Journal 2004

Mother Shoots Through Door, Kills Daughter Holding Baby

In a horrible accident a 52 year old Florida woman shot through a door killing her 25 year old daughter – who was holding a 4-month-old baby.

See on endstandyourground.wordpress.com

Father throws son off high-rise – CNN.com Video

A man in the midst of a bitter custody battle threw his son off a Manhattan high-rise before jumping to his own death.


Community Village‘s insight:


I hear stories every year about men who take vengance out on their own family.


How do we best teach men that they don’t have the right to murder?

See on www.cnn.com

Pennsylvania Judge Sentenced For 28 Years For Selling Kids to the Prison System

Mark Ciavarella Jr, a 61-year old former judge in Pennsylvania, has been sentenced to nearly 30 years in prison for literally selling young juveniles for cash.

See on blog.blacknews.com

Black & Hispanic students get fewer advanced classes and science labs at city high schools


An analysis of Education Department data from the 2011-12 school year found that on average, white and Asian students attend high schools with twice as many Advanced Placement courses and almost twice as many science labs as schools attended by black and Hispanic students.’

See on www.nydailynews.com