At least 3,000 arrests are under review in San Francisco in a bias scandal about how police officers allegedly wrote racist and homophobic text messages.
At least 3,000 arrests are under review in San Francisco in a bias scandal about how police officers allegedly wrote racist and homophobic text messages.
By Dolores Sosa Green
“I was a racist. I was taught all the racial stereotypes I heard from my Mexican-American parents and others where I grew up in Dallas.”
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Is anyone surprised that the #ChapelHillShooting occurred not too long after the anti-Muslim atmosphere generated by #AmericanSniper movie?
— Tariq Nasheed (@tariqnasheed) February 11, 2015
He said this only 14 days ago.he was murdered for being a Muslim #ChapelHillShooting #MuslimsLivesMatter
— #ICC4Israel (@Pray4Pal) February 11, 2015
RT @Furqan_Naeem: This couldn’t be more true… #ChapelHillShooting
— Chalky White (@LogicalHater) February 11, 2015
Muslim victims were recently seen providing free dental & food supplies to the poor & homeless. #ChapelHillShooting
— I Am THE CULTURE (@Toussaint215) February 11, 2015
#ChapelHillShooting victims were honors students who volunteered to serve:
— ABC News (@ABC) February 11, 2015
this video put me to tears, we are w/ u Barkat & Abu-Salha families may Allah grant you patience #ChapelHillShooting
— slim shady (@Libyan_Pride) February 12, 2015
I & the rest of the world are utterly sickened by these white supremacists, #ChapelHill wasn’t the first massacre these ppl have perpetrated
— Bassem Masri (@bassem_masri) February 12, 2015
87% of U.S. mass shooting are committed by caucasians 13-56. Why don't we spy on this community? #ChapelHillShooting
— Keegan Stephan (@KeeganNYC) February 11, 2015
A “thug” (1810) is someone who is violent with little regard for the law. Like “savage” and “terrorist”, it has become highly racialized, especially since 2009.
Think like a White racist:
White Americans use these words to stereotype the men of an out-group as dangerous and naturally violent, as lacking morals and empathy. Whites thenuse that as an excuse to act in just that way towards them: violent, no empathy, no morals. Drones, police brutality, genocide.
You can see how racialized the word “thug” has become in 2015. Here is how many web pages use the following phrases according to Google:
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The final scenes of the 2014 film Selma, which depicts Martin Luther King Jr.’s struggle for federal voting rights legislation to protect African Americans in the South, leave viewers applauding, content with our nation’s civil rights progress after witnessing a concrete example of how a protest effected meaningful national change. But what the movie doesn’t provide is an update — a scene that flashes forward almost 50 years to show how the exact rights granted to blacks who marched across Alabama in demonstration have recently been eroded by our highest court and then by states across the country.
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Do you think we will every be able to vote from home to avoid all this voter ID mess and votes getting thrown out because someone has the same name?
In the popular imagination and in conventional discourse — especially in the context of highly charged news events such as the shooting of Trayvon Martin — prejudice is all about hatred and animosity.
Scientists agree there’s little doubt that hate-filled racism is real, but a growing body of social science research suggests that racial disparities and other biased outcomes in the criminal justice system, in medicine and in professional settings can be explained by unconscious attitudes and stereotypes.
Subtle biases are linked to police cadets being more likely to shoot unarmed black men than they are unarmed white men. (Some academics have also linked the research into unconscious bias to the Trayvon Martin case.)
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So Ralph Lauren, the serial cultural appropriator of all things Native American, is in trouble once again. Lauren has given offense to Native Americans before with his inappropriate uses of war bonnets and eagle feathers. There was also that time he appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show, showing off his absurdly fetishized and culturally mangled collection of “Navajo stuff” in the five “hand painted” teepees he maintains as extravagantly outfitted guest quarters on his Colorado ranch.
Now, Lauren has found a new way to appropriate Native culture, while inflicting real psychic harm on Native people at the same time; reinscribe the historical trauma of a 19th century-originated genocidal policy of forced cultural assimilation and massive dispossession of tribal lands upon them by using the frozen images of their dead relatives in faux-assimilationist pose.
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A premeditated mass murder of civilians is happening in America. Its victims include the mentally ill, the disabled, the homeless, infants, children, and minorities. The majority of its victims are Black males.
While some victims of the American Holocaust are killed by civilians claiming self-defense, the majority are killed by deputized law enforcement. There are some prejudiced citizens who conclude that certain people are up to no good. They call the police who shoot to kill first before asking questions. Using color and claim of official right, there are no consequences for their actions.
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“Tario Anderson was simply walking down the street.”
“Anderson had committed no crime but since he did not immediately bow down to the police, he was tasered and cops piled on top of him.”
In a similar story a deaf Black man was beaten by the police, and in another story a Latino with a colostomy bag (‘looked like a gun’) was tackled by the police.
#BlackLivesMatter #LatinoLivesMatter #DisabledLivesMatter
Responding to criticism that a cartoon depicting undocumented immigrants coming through a window to share Thanksgiving dinner with a white family was racist, an Indiana newspaper edited out the stereotyped housebreaker’s mustache, ostensibly to make the cartoon seem less racist.
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This is what #xenophobia, #racism and white supremacist patriarchy look like – the cartoonist and the white family in the cartoon.
The dad is holding the turkey as if he did all the cooking.
And Instead of inviting Latino guests or Native Americans to their dinner, they the cartoonist depicts that Latinos are breaking into their house – because, you know, all Latinos are criminals.
The doctrine of white supremacy does this. It always flips the script to make white people appear as the norm and the law abiding while making people of color appear as invaders and law breakers. And Euro-Americans do all this while living on Amerindian land.