#Refugees Tweets 9.4

#Refugees Tweets 9.4

“Donald Trump is the new face of white supremacy,” says hate crime expert.

August 24, 2015
Before you think this article is “just one liberal’s opinion,” let me briefly say I have dedicated my life to studying racism. I earned my PhD from Emory University in 1995 after spending several years doing ethnographic field studies of white supremacist groups. I have published books and articles in peer-reviewed journals on the subject and have appeared on more TV shows than I can remember discussing how hate works. In my 20 years at Portland State University, I interviewed scores of committed racists, from teenage skinheads to racist murderers and founders of Nazi prison gangs. So when I say that presidential candidate Donald Trump is a racist hate-monger it’s not just a political pejorative. He has a constitutional right to hold and express racist views, but using those views to manipulate the intellectually vulnerable and mobilize active bigots requires a coherent response. As an expert on hate, I am more than comfortable stating that either Trump is a virulent racist or that he is willing to perform racism and use racism of others to advance his political position.


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Sourced through Scoop.it from: watchingthewheelsdad.wordpress.com

Discovery of up to 50 bodies in truck highlights European migrant crisis

Austrian authorities launched an international probe into the deaths, as they struggled to count the corpses.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.washingtonpost.com

Freedom to (im)migrate.

Freedom to leave.

Freedom to return.

Freedom of movement.

#Police #JusticeSystem Tweets 8.28

#Police #JusticeSystem Tweets 8.28

Napa Valley Wine Train CEO Apologizes to Women Escorted Away For #LaughingWhileBlack

Remember that group of women whose story went viral a few days ago because they were kicked off of a Napa Valley Train wine tour for laughing? They’re now getting the apology they deserve from the train’s CEO, Anthony “Tony” Giaccio.


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Sourced through Scoop.it from: goodblacknews.org

Separate & Unequal: This is why political cartoons matter

Pulitzer-Prize-winning political cartoonist for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution – and avid Daily Kos reader – Mike Lukovich has created an iconic political cartoon. In my view, it’s the most powerful, evocative visual representation of the injustices America has witnessed, and the black community has suffered, these past two weeks.
Here’s Separate, Unequal

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.dailykos.com

This Hijabi Uber Driver Just Went Viral for the Wrong Reason

Sonia Martinez of Denver, CO has taken the public by storm after reporting yet another case of racial discrimination. As part of the Facebook group “Uber’s Woman Driving Network”, Martinez was attacked by Rene Hunter, another alleged Uber client, concerning her identity as a Muslim Driver for Uber. Her post containing racist sentiments has gone viral, spreading across Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Reditt, and many other forums. Here, she shares her thoughts concerning the recent incident.


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Sourced through Scoop.it from: muslimgirl.net

#Politics #FederalPolicy Tweets 8.20

#Politics #FederalPolicy Tweets 8.20

Why Racial Justice Work Needs to Address Settler Colonialism and Native Rights

How can we include settler colonialism in our work – especially as it relates to racism against non-Native people of color? It’s complicated, but this article’s got some crucial answers.


  1. Understand Racism and Settler Colonialism as Connected Forms of Oppression
  2. Examine How Settler Colonialism Creates Tensions Between Anti-Racism Work and Decolonization
  3. Learn That If You’re on US Land, You’re Complicit in Settler Colonialism




  1. Rethinking My Own History of Migration (And My Relationships with Land and Space)
  2. Learning Ways to Stand in Solidarity with Pacific Islanders
  3. Working on Crossing My Privilege Line


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Sourced through Scoop.it from: everydayfeminism.com