This Traffic Stop Video Epitomizes Everything that is Wrong With Police Today


“We’ll get CPS to take your baby!”

Sandusky, OH — A mother and father were on their way home with their 2 week old baby when they were stopped by Sandusky police officers.

Andre Stockett, the father and the passenger in the vehicle, and the man who took the video, has a good understanding of his rights when dealing with police.

Despite the police pulling over the vehicle, for an alleged “traffic violation,” they do nothing to the driver. Her license is run and it comes back valid so they have nothing on them, yet like bullies on the playground they begin ganging up on Stockett.

Stockett has committed no crime and has not been suspected of committing a crime, so he lawfully refuses to identify himself. This assertion of his rights does not go over well with the bullies on the playground, so Officer Denny throws a temper tantrum.

The K-9 unit is brought in.



Brutal: Florida officer tases 62-year-old woman in the back just for the hell of it [VIDEO]


After police arrived on the scene of her Tallahassee, Florida, neighborhood, 62-year-old Viola Young asked them why they were there. Told to turn around, Young did so and walked away. While walking away, at just about 2:31 in this video shot by a local resident, the officer brutally uses his stun gun to tase Young in the back. Immediately, she falls flat on her face. It’s brutal.


No charges have been brought and the officer is currently on paid leave.


– Click through for [VIDEO] –


Father pleads for justice in Border Patrol shooting [VIDEO]


Valeria Tachiquin

Valeria Tachiquin

Valeria suffered 14 gunshot wounds to her upper body

When asked about the case, the Department of Justice had no comment.

Customs and Border Patrol Protection would also not comment on whether or not Agent TackeTackettstill in the field.

The new Customs and Border Patrol Protection Head of Internal Affairs admitted there are more than 100 cases of excessive force by agents that need to be looked at again.


– Click through for VIDEO –



What is the truth in this case?


What did the eye witnesses see?


We need cameras on all law enforcement.


Video: John Crawford didn’t seem to aim toy gun at anyone before police shot at him [VIDEO]

Video: John Crawford didn’t seem to aim toy gun at anyone before police shot at him



The U.S. says we have the right to bear arms.


But if you’re Black or Brown… guess what? You will get shot if you carry a toy gun, or a black wallet, or cell phone or even if you have both hands in the air.


Remember Andy Lopez.


Michael Brown’s Parents in Atlanta To Push For Police Body Cameras


The family of slain teen Michael Brown, who senselessly died early last month at the hands of Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson, are now in Atlanta to kick off a nationwide effort to arm police with body cameras, according to WSB-TV.



The DOJ wants to fix local policing. Here are the three ways they’re betting it’s possible.


1) Make residents feel they’re being treated fairly2) Take a closer look at how bias influences cops’ decisions3) Make sure police and community leaders are talking honestly





The police in and around Ferguson have shot and killed twice as many people in the past two weeks (Mr Brown plus one other) as the police in Japan, a nation of 127m, have shot and killed in the past six years. Nationwide, America’s police kill roughly one person a day (see chart).

This is not because they are trigger-happy but because they are nervous. The citizens they encounter have perhaps 300m guns between them, so a cop never knows whether the hand in a suspect’s pocket is gripping a Glock. This will not change soon. Even mild gun-controls laws tend to fail.


– Click through to read more –



Uncovered Text Messages Sent By Veteran Baton Rouge Police Officer Expose Him As White Supremacist

During the 15 years Michael Elsbury worked as an officer of the Baton Rouge Police Department, he admittedly racially profiled when he made arrests. In his own words, he enjoyed doing it.


CBP: No agents disciplined for deadly force since 2004

Customs and Border Protection’s acting Internal Affairs chief said Friday that he is unaware of any Border Patrol agent or CBP officer being formally disciplined for killing someone through the use of force since at least 2004.
