U.N. Says ‘Evidence’ Points to Israel in Gaza School Attack


UNITED NATIONSSecretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Wednesday that “all available evidence” suggested that Israeli artillery had hit a United Nations school in Gaza full of civilians who thought they were in a safe zone.

“Nothing is more shameful than attacking sleeping children,” the secretary general told reporters…

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Source: www.nytimes.com

Social justice class removed as direct result of the systematic racism that it was teaching students about


“Yasab, the student of color, is NOT intended to be muted. If you cannot hear his audio, it is due to an issue with channels on certain systems. He has very important input and I am working on fixing it as fast as I can.”

A couple of articles on the removal:





Source: ladysugatits.tumblr.com


This reminds me of when an Arizona school district canceled Mexican-American studies.

How The Washington Football Team Creates A Hostile Environment For Native American Students


WASHINGTON — Much of the debate over whether to keep the Washington football team’s name has centered around whether it’s actually offensive to Native Americans. Owner Dan Snyder has searched high and low to find American Indians who aren’t put off by the term “Redskins” as justification for keeping it.

But according to Erik Stegman, an author of a new report on Native mascots and team names, that discussion misses the point.

“This entire debate is being spun in the wrong direction, and it doesn’t really matter whether or not one Native person you talk to supports or doesn’t,” Stegman said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “When you have kids in schools who are getting harassed, who are feeling a lack of self-worth because they themselves have become a mascot for someone else, I think that’s really what the point is all about. We need to stop having this debate over which Native people are offended because it’s a ridiculous debate.”

Stegman is associate director of the Half in Ten Education Fund at the progressive Center for American Progress. Previously, he served as majority staff counsel for the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. He and Victoria Phillips, a professor at American University Washington College of Law, argue in a report published Tuesday that derogatory team names create an “unwelcome and hostile learning environment” for Native students that “directly results in lower self-esteem and mental health” for these adolescents and young adults.


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Source: www.huffingtonpost.com

My son has been suspended five times. He’s 3.


As we talked, I admitted that JJ had been suspended three times. All of the mothers were shocked at the news.

“JJ?” one mother asked.

“My son threw something at a kid on purpose and the kid had to be rushed to the hospital,” another parent said. “All I got was a phone call.”

One after another, white mothers confessed the trouble their children had gotten into. Some of the behavior was similar to JJ’s; some was much worse.

Most startling: None of their children had been suspended.

Tunette Powell’s 3-year-old son, Joah, has been suspended from school five times. (Tunette Powell)

After that party, I read a study reflecting everything I was living.

Black children represent 18 percent of preschool enrollment but make up 48 percent of preschool children receiving more than one out-of-school suspension, according to the study released by the  Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights in March.

Click through to read more.

Source: www.washingtonpost.com


implicit bias


racial discrimination


Children Are Being Pinned Down & Isolated By Staff in Schools…And It’s Legal

  “The room where they locked up Heather Luke’s 10-year-old son had cinder block walls, a dim light and a fan in the ceiling that rattled so insistently her son would beg them to silence it. A thick metal door with locks—which they threw, clank-clank-clank—separated the autistic boy from the rest of the decrepit building in Chesapeake, Virginia, just south of Norfolk. One day in March 2011, his mother said, Carson flew into a panic at the mere suggestion of being confined there after an outburst.Staff members held him down, then muscled him through the hallway and attempted to lock him in, yet again. But this time, the effort went awry. Staffers crushed Carson’s hand while trying to slam the door. A surgeon later needed to operate to close the bleeding half-moon a bolt had punched into his left palm. The wound was so deep it exposed bone.”   Click through to read more.   Source: illuminatebytanya.wordpress.com

Tenure Is Not the Problem in Our Public Schools. Segregation Is.

On Tuesday, a California court struck down state teacher tenure and seniority protections as a violation of the rights of poor and minority students to an equal education. The decision, which will make it easier to fire bad teachers, who are disproportionately found in high-poverty schools, is being hailed as…

Source: www.slate.com


If students are segregated in school their whole life, what would give them the idea that they could easily integrate into a mixed college campus and a mixed workforce too?


How Income Inequality Might Lead Students to Drop Out of High School


In states like Louisiana with large gaps between the the poorest households and middle earners, students are less likely to graduate high school.


While a little bit of inequality might motivate some students to study harder, a lot of it might kill their motivation entirely.



Source: www.slate.com


Also, has the child been encouraged? Has the child been told the importance of an education in today’s U.S. economy?


Do the teacher’s tell the children that they have potential?


And is there a class that explains in detail the importance of college? If the children know how important college is, then they would be more likely to finish high school


Asian-Themed Duke University Fraternity Party Ignites Fury


Duke University’s Asian Students Association is outraged that a fraternity opted to throw a party based on Asian stereotypes, complete with geisha hats and all. In an email announcing the triumphant return of Kappa Sigma Asia Prime, the opening exclamation is “Herro Nice Duke Peopre!!” Exactly, horrible.

The Duke Chronicle
 that the party was renamed “International Relations” after someone complained to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. However, the Asian Students Association says that the party (which they called a “racist rager”) went on despite the change of name.
Yesterday morning, Facebook photos of the party were posted around campus in protest, but members of Kappa Sigma removed them. “This is not just about Asians, one party or one frat,” explained senior Ashley Tsai. “This is a consistent thing happening. We want serious things to be done by the student body and the University so that this never happens again.”


Source: www.complex.com

There Have Been 74 U.S. School Shootings Since Sandy Hook

See on Scoop.itCommunity Village Daily


The gun safety organization Everytown said Tuesday’s incident was the 74th shooting in a U.S. school since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

See on mashable.com