Heroes face legal fight for opposing the #KKK #Anaheim

Heroes face legal fight for opposing the #KKK #Anaheim

Definition: Islamophobia (or anti-Muslim sentiment) is the prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims.

Definition: Islamophobia (or anti-Muslim sentiment) is the prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims.

Mistrial Declared On Hate Crime Charges

Three students were charged in a high-profile 2013 hate crime case at San Jose State University. They were also charged with battery for putting a bike lock around the neck Donald Williams Jr. a Black freshman. All three were found guilty of misdemeanor battery. They can serve up to six months in jail.  One has escaped conviction on the hate crime charge, and the jury hung on deciding the fate of the two others. A fourth student has been charged as a juvenile in the case. There is no available information on that case.


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Sourced through Scoop.it from: blackbutterfly7.wordpress.com

Cops shoot at unarmed driver’s car. Driver Explains Why He Led Police On Chase

Waco, TX – Running from the police seems to a very controversial subject in the media today, with a prevailing attitude that it is somehow wrong or “stupid” to run from the police. However, running from a hostile force that is likely to use violence against you is one of the most basic and instinctual things that a person can do. This is especially true for people with prior records or people who dress differently because they are automatically profiled by police and treated as if they were criminals from the very start of the encounter.


Last week, a man in Texas who was traveling with a small amount of marijuana decided that he was not going to pull over to be harassed by police when he saw their lights in his rear-view mirror. He ran instead, just as any sane person would do when they encountered a kidnapper or a thief.


His decision resulted in a high-speed chase which exceeded speeds of 100 miles per hour and spanned across five counties.


The driver, Jonathan Davis, was eventually stopped by police after roughly an hour when they blew out his tire with spike strips and then shot at his tires with live ammunition.
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Sourced through Scoop.it from: thefreethoughtproject.com

“If you are silent against oppression, you have become a silent devil.”

Officer who killed unarmed #NaeschylusVinzant not indicted

GOLDEN, Colo. — A grand jury decided Wednesday not to indict an Aurora, Colo., police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black man wanted for violating parole.


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Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.usatoday.com



A grand jury is useless