Kent Wong: A More Inclusive Labor Movement


“Kent Wong Director of the UCLA Labor Center and VP of the California Federation of Teachers spoke with GRITtv about the AFL-CIO broadening it’s inclusivity.”



Community Village‘s insight:


Mr. Wong explains that his mentor, Cesar Chavez was able to organized undocumented workers to take on some of the most powerful interests in the U.S. – and win.

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Scot Nakagawa: Economic Rights are Civil Rights


“GRITtv: The demand for jobs was the great unmet demand of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. While many have made that point, few have talked plainly about why the demand for federal investment in training and jobs for the unemployed dropped out of the picture of civil rights. Scot Nakagawa is not afraid to talk about it. Nakagawa is co-founder of Changelab, a social movement think tank, and the author of the regularly provocative Race Files.”



Community Village‘s insight:


We invest in incarceration instead of education.

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Joo-Hyun Kang: Ending the Stop-and-Frisk Regime


“In this full interview, Laura interviews Joo-Hyun Kang, Director of Communities United for Police Reform about an unprecedented campaign to end discriminatory policing practices in New York City.”

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Decolonize All The Things: How Africana Sociology & Decolonized Anthropology Undo Domination


“The first step towards critical analysis and political liberation is decolonization.  Decolonization is anti-racist, anti-patriarchal, and anti-capitalist. ”



Community Village‘s insight:


I’m finding that the study of Decolonization is where I need to focus more attention.



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U.S. School Meal Programs

Black Panther Party Free Breakfast Program

Black Panther Party Free Breakfast Program

The Black Panther Party began giving FREE breakfast to children as early as 1969.

Free breakfast was one of over 60 community services provided by the Black Panther Party.

Black Panther Party Free Breakfast Program

Black Panther Party Free Breakfast Program

The U.S. government began a pilot breakfast program in 1966, expanded the program in 1971, and further expanded in 1975. Federal funding varied by the family income of the participating child.

U.S. government lunch programs began as early as 1853  with The Children’s Aid Society of New York. In 1894 Philadelphia began serving ‘penny lunches’. Boston began a lunch program in 1908. Federal aid started in 1933.

The government run program requires children to qualify for free meals or pay for the meals. If the children don’t qualify, the school will bill the children for their food. Schools have been found not treating children with dignity, courtesy and respect.

Utah was caught throwing children’s lunches in the trash when their accounts ran low on money.

A New Jersey mother says her son’s school replaced his hot lunch with a cheese sandwich when money ran low in his account.

A principal in Colorado was fired after speaking out about her school’s lunch program that had a policy of stamping children’s hands who didn’t have lunch money, shaming the students in the process.

CNN’s coverage of school meal fiascoes.

Heating The Rez – please help – indiegogo campaign


“We in the Northern Plains are experiencing a deadly sub-zero frigid winter & heating propane shortage which has claimed at least one life; help us fix it.


Due to an extremely deadly winter here on the Northern Plains, a winter which has claimed the life of a tribal member, we are raising funds to deploy 20 home pilot projects to receive multi-fuel stoves to replace dependency on fossil fuels to heat our homes (namely propane). We will grow our fuel source and manufacture our own fuel sources in the immediate future to start this shift to renewables. We send our condolences to the family of the lady we lost to a home which could not afford to be heated. Google “Standing Rock propane crisis” for more info. email us at with any questions. We thank you genuinely. Lila wopila”

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Growing Togetherness Through Decolonization


“Throw away culture is one of the hallmarks of modern western civilization.


Disconnection, coupled with gross privilege, has created a society in which many people have grown to believe if something or someone isn’t instantly and perpetually gratifying, then they should be discarded in favor of finding another new, fresh, more perfect experience.


The idea that we deserve a new, more satisfying experience on demand is sold to us every day in advertisements, on the internet, and in movies and television.  These messages simultaneously teach us to desire the things we do not own, and fear we are missing out on something cool or important.


As a consequence, people are becoming more like objects, to be thrown in the trash when they seemingly become broken or obsolete. Happiness grows more defined by the ease and immediacy in which we get our individual desires satisfied.


This objectification has destroyed the ancient, holistic understandings around “togetherness” and building relationships of love not just for “Me” but for “We”.


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