Cynthia Diaz is one of three immigration activists on a hunger strike outside the White House demanding the U.S. to release their family members from immigration detention
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Cynthia Diaz is one of three immigration activists on a hunger strike outside the White House demanding the U.S. to release their family members from immigration detention
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Sign the ColorOfChange.Org petition and demand the D.O.J. to take immediate action by seeing to it that NYPD Officer Richard Haste is put away where he can no longer harm unarmed teenagers on the s…
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“This week immigrant and LGBT civil rights leaders from the California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance (CIYJA) sat down in the Democratic congressional offices of Rep. Xavier Becerra and Rep. Loretta Sanchez, demanding their leadership to stop the deportations. The action was in solidarity with the hunger-strike at the White House to call on the President to stop deportations, which started Tuesday.”
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The social media prowess of one Asian American activist is driving the mainstream media to distraction. Why do they care so much?
Nice nice fighter!
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“Comfrey Jacobs appeared in U.S. federal court today for his first arraignment after being arrested for blocking the road to Yellowstone National Park’s bison trap on March 6.”
I love that there are people who have the courage to do this.
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“Some Texas-based advocacy groups say the release of U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s use-of-force policy for Border Patrol agents is a positive step for transparency. But they add that more could be done.”
“On Friday, U.S. Border Patrol Chief Michael J. Fisher instructed field agents to avoid shooting at vehicles that are only fleeing the scene and to consider all available alternatives to firing their weapons when “projectiles” are hurled at agents, including rocks, a common weapon for would-be crossers caught attempting to enter the country illegally.”
“Agents shall not discharge firearms in response to thrown or hurled projectiles unless the agent has a reasonable belief based on the totality of the circumstances to include the size of nature of the projectiles that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious injury,” Fisher wrote in his directive, which he said clarified “existing guidelines.”
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Jordan Davis’ mom, Lucia MacBath, has teamed up with the parents of Trayvon Martin to repeal the Stand Your Ground law.
“Stand Your Ground” is “Kill at Will” – a sick twist in U.S. law to allow lynching by gun.
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“History has proven there is only one way to get the attention of unmovable ideologies to achieve change. Matching and protests are strategies, which is nothing more than a good show for the cameras. For example, the March on Washington and the Million Man March produced little in terms of measurable results. On the other hand, BOYCOTT’s work – the Birmingham Bus Boycott and the Martin Luther King Holiday Boycott on the state of Arizona – WORKED! It is time to stop BS-ing and BOYCOTT FLORIDA and everything connected to it. We will then get change. And that’s my thought provoking perspective…”
Stand your ground against Stand Your Ground.
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