Printable links to GoFundMe for Reparations for Enslavement
NATIONAL DAY OF PANHANDLING FOR REPARATIONS is October 10, Every Year! So far over 200 people across the country have hit the streets to collect and distribute reparations. More Info and to Register to Join ghe Performace:
Occupy Central (佔領中環 or just 佔中), dubbed the Umbrella Revolution in the Western press, is the protest for full democracy in Hong Kong that started in September 2014. Central is the main business district in Hong Kong where it started. It is the strongest such protest in China since Tiananmen Square in 1989.
“The ultimate aim is the selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage upon nomination by a broadly representative nominating committee in accordance with democratic procedures.”
China has promised the “universal suffrage” part by 2017, but not the bit about a “broadly representative nominating committee”. It wants to pack the committee so that the Communist Party can in effect block nominations.
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No I am not Syrian or from Syria, but the people of Syria have captured my heart. Their stories have both broke my heart at times and other times touched my heart. Looking at the photo collage I …
Precariat: A social class defined by the shared experience of precarity, a condition of existence without predictability or stability, particularly as pertains to employment and economic security
Make no mistake. Ferguson is an Asian American issue. The exclusion and abuse of Black people and immigrants in the United States goes hand in hand. Together, they represent a loophole in democracy through which the 1 percent are moving an agenda that is making us all precariats.
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Teaching Tolerance has teamed up with Michelle Alexander—author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness—to offer educators two FREE webinars exploring mass incarceration in the United States and how to teach about it. Don’t miss out on these unique opportunities to hear Alexander speak about how mass incarceration represents a form of racialized social control, one that traps millions of people of color in a permanent undercaste and parallels an earlier system of racial control—Jim Crow.
– Click through to hear her lesson –
The family of slain teen Michael Brown, who senselessly died early last month at the hands of Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson, are now in Atlanta to kick off a nationwide effort to arm police with body cameras, according to WSB-TV.
Can Moms Demand Action do to gun extremists what MADD did to drunk drivers?
Women fixin’ to get some sh*t done.