#BlackLivesMatter Every Day | Best Tweets 3.14

#BlackLivesMatter Every Day | Best Tweets 3.14

Best #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 3.12

Best #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 3.12

Protests In Madison, WI After Police Kill Unarmed Teen


“Officer Kenny did this in a state that does not have the death penalty. Understand that to mean that there is no crime in the State of Wisconsin where judicial punishment is death. In 1853, Wisconsin was the first state in America to permanently abolish the death penalty for all crimes.”


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Source: blackbutterfly7.wordpress.com

Drop the I-Word: Victory for Advocates, Associated Press Stops Using Phrase “Illegal Immigrant”

The Associated Press has dropped the phrase “illegal immigrant” from its popular stylebook, a move welcomed by immigrant advocates who argue the term is a dehumanizing slur. The influential AP Stylebook is the definitive guide for reporters and editors both within the news cooperative and beyond. We’re joined by Rinku Sen, publisher of Colorlines.com and president of the Applied Research Center, which launched the the “Drop the I-Word” campaign in 2010 in order to remove the term “illegals” from everyday use and public discourse.

Source: www.democracynow.org

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Take the Pledge


North Texas activists protest killing of unarmed Mexican immigrant

GRAPEVINE, TX — The Grapevine City Council conference room filled with shouts of “No justice! No peace!” Tuesday night as more than 100 people showed up to protest the officer-involved killing of Ruben Garcia Villalpando.
Villalpando’s parents patiently wait for the Grapevine City Council meeting to begin. Photo: Obed Manuel

Villalpando’s parents patiently wait for the Grapevine City Council meeting to begin. Photo: Obed Manuel

Martha Romero, Villalpando’s wife, sat quietly in the front row of the conference room with her four children. Villalpando’s parents who were visiting from the Mexican state of Durango sat behind her wearing “Justice for Ruben” stickers.

Signs around the room read with “Are you going to kill me?” which Villalpando’s family said were his final words.

The activist reaction comes after the unarmed Villalpando was shot and killed by Grapevine police officer Robert Clark on the night of Feb 20.

After clearing its agenda, the council left the remainder of the meeting to those who had signed up to speak.

“Right now it’s my family suffering, but what about tomorrow? What about the families of tomorrow?” said Fernando Romero, Villalpando’s brother-in-law. “We want this to stop and we want justice. We want what is right. We want everything to be clear. I’m asking you to make it right.”

Source: latinalista.com


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The ATTICA Prison Rebellion and the State-Sponsored Massacre That Followed [VIDEO]


By Caleb Gee


The preamble to the Attica Liberation Manifesto of Demands put the world on alert to the deplorable conditions prisoners are subjected to in the so-called “Land of the free”.


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Source: ushypocrisy.com

Must See Tweets #BlackLivesMatter 2.23




Academy Voter Offended by Selma Cast Wearing ‘I Can’t Breathe’ Tees – COLORLINES


“if the movie isn’t that good, am I supposed to vote for it just because it has black people in it? I’ve got to tell you, having the cast show up in T-shirts saying “I can’t breathe” [at their New York premiere] — I thought that stuff was offensive. Did they want to be known for making the best movie of the year or for stirring up shit? ”


Source: colorlines.com


The oppressor telling the oppressed how to not protest their oppression.

SEE Tweets #Justice4Muslims #Justice4Latinos
