High school student dragged to swimming pool by teacher speaks out

Garcia’s attorney says Peterson should not have put a hand on the girl. The video shows he even asks other students to help him: “somebody tickle her,” he is heard saying in the 95-second video.

“No means no and stop means stop. This isn’t a situation where she’s attacking a teacher and he’s defending himself. When a woman or a 14-year-old girl says where can i buy Ivermectin ivermectin no, it http://justmusing.net/2008/02/ means no,” he said.

Source: latino.foxnews.com


If I find a teacher treating my child like that – there will be hell to pay.


Austin shooter belonged to an ultra-conservative Christian hate group, police say


Comment by Glenn Robinson

There may be less hate groups, or they may be more hidden. Regardless of the quantity – it only takes one hateful person to do massive damage.

Remembering Black Lives Unjustly Lost

Chilling new audio uncovered from SC shooting tape

New audio from the chilling dash-cam tape of a South Carolina state trooper shooting an unarmed man has prompted even more questions. Chris Hayes examines the mindset of the now-former trooper with psychology professor Phillip Atiba Goff.

No Justice – Ferguson on FIRE

No Justice – Ferguson on FIRE

— Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) November 25, 2014

In Memoriam – Mike Brown

In Memoriam – Mike Brown

Can Border Patrol be fixed?

Border Patrol’s use-of-force problem wasn’t just that agents shot people too often. It was that the agency either supported its agents, or didn’t care about addressing the public’s concerns. In spring 2014, an American Immigration Council report analyzed over 800 complaints filed about Border Patrol misconduct — most of which were about use of force — over the past few years. What they found was alarming,

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Source: www.vox.com

Border Patrol killings face renewed scrutiny

He was shot eight times in the back by a U.S. border patrol agent who fired from behind this fence.

“What were they doing?” a Mexican dispatcher asked.

“They were throwing rocks,” a border patrol agent told her.

But other witnesses said Rodriguez was just walking by.

Since 2010, 28 people have died at the hands of border patrol agents.

Jim Tomsheck

Reviewing those fatal force cases was part of Jim Tomsheck’s job as head of internal affairs for Customs and Border Protection

“I am familiar with several incidents where the persons appeared to be fleeing and were shot in the back or the side at some distance from the border patrol agent when the shots were fired,” said Tomsheck.

He calls seven of those shootings “highly suspect.” But he told CBS News his bosses ignored his concerns and he did not have authority to punish agents. He was reassigned in June.

“There were certainly many cases where border patrol agents or certainly CBP officers engaged in excessive use of force or abuse of migrants at the border that should have resulted in discipline where it did not,”

Tomsheck says.

Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez was shot eight times in the back by a U.S. border patrol agent.

One of those not disciplined is the agent who shot Rodriguez. He remains on the job.

Rodriguez was one of 12 reportedly unarmed people shot by border agents. Autopsies on three of them show they were shot in the back, or the back of the head.

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Source: www.cbsnews.com