STOP Police Terror, Mass Incarceration, Repression, and the Criminalization of Generations!


The Revolution Club Bay Area, the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, and “Uncle Bobby” call on YOU to be part of a national month of resistance against police terror, mass incarceration, repression, and the criminalization of generations.


Learn more at



Does race shape Americans’ passion for guns?


You can’t talk about guns in America without talking about race, scholars say




The fear of men of color with guns started early in America with the slaughter of Native-Americans and the oppression of enslaved Africans.


Click here to Receive Reparations or Pay Reparations for Oppression, Stolen Land, or 246 Years of Enslavement



My name is Glenn Robinson and I have been inspired by Damali Ayo’s National Day of Panhandling for Reparations .

I run a blog called Community Village and another called Oppression Monitor. I thought these would be perfect places to ‘panhandle’ for donations that can be paid right back out.

I will use these funds to pay out reparations and use 33 cents from each transaction to maintain the payment system.

You can test our beta versions here:

Reparations through Oppression Monitor

Reparations through Community Village

You can also check the accounting

Thank you!



Study Finds Asian American Voices Missing From Sunday Talk Shows – NBC News


In a study of “The Big Five” Sunday television news shows, Asian-American think tank,ChangeLab, found that Asian Americans are simply missing from the conversation, even when the shows are discussing issues that are of interest and relevance to Asian Americans.


– Click through for more –




Asian Americans are 5.3% of the U.S. population.


The other group missing from talk shows is Native Americans who are 1.2% of the U.S. population.


Vonderrick Myers shooting: Off-duty St Louis police officer kills black teenager sparking new ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’ Ferguson-style protests

An off-duty police officer in St Louis has shot and killed a black teenager, prompting a repeat of the Ferguson protests that followed the death of Michael Brown two months ago today.




Destructive Delay, written by Tania Unzueta and co-authored by B. Loewe, illuminates the inhumane interior Immigration and Customs Enforcement practices that continue unabated while the President postpones action and it highlights the human cost of the delay. The key findings shed light on an agency driven by one calculated mission, to meet a draconian deportation quota, regardless of the costs to public safety, institutional integrity, moral or constitutional considerations.

Through almost three dozen interviews with front-line organizers, legal experts, and people in deportation proceedings, Destructive Delay collects previously disparate and disconnected stories of the lived experience of ICE enforcement activity into a single document. The report provides real-life context for the rhetoric of the debate and gives an inside look into how immigration policy is actually working on the ground.



Public invitation to Andy Lopez memorial Oct. 22 Santa Rosa, CA


Community gathering at the memorial site to share thoughts and feelings about Andy as we approach the 1 year anniversary of his death on Oct 22nd. Bilingual grief counselors and community support volunteers from St. Joseph’s Health of Sonoma County will be present to help facilitate and share. Open to all youth and adults. 4:00- 5:30pm

Location: Moorland Ave and West Robles, Santa Rosa, CA

Reunion de la comunidad en el sitio memorial de Andy para compartir pensamientos y sentimientos acerca de Andy mientras nos acercamos al aniversario de 1 año de su muerte el 22 de octubre. Terapeutas de duelo bilingües y voluntarios de apoyo del St. Joseph’s Health del condado de Sonoma estarán presentes para ayudar a facilitar y compartir.  Abierto a todos los jóvenes y adultos. 4:00- 5:30pm.

Direction: Moorland Ave and West Robles, Santa Rosa, CA
