#ChristopherTorres Shot in the Back Three Times by Albuquerque Police

One day in April 2011, Stephen and Renetta Torres rushed home after receiving a call from their neighbours about a large police presence – mobile crime lab, SWAT team, armoured cars – at their Albuquerque, New Mexico, residence.

The police were looking for their 27-year-old son, Christopher, who had been home on his own. The officers claimed that they had come to serve an arrest warrant on Christopher about a road rage incident months earlier.

Christopher, who suffered from schizophrenia, refused to speak to the officers, so they moved in on him, jumping a fence and entering the Torres’ backyard. According to court documents, from that point, only a few minutes elapsed before Christopher was shot in the back three times by CJ Brown, a plainclothed police officer at the scene.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.aljazeera.com