The Stories of Immigration to Chicago

Immigrants learned that to survive and prosper in a hostile urban environment of unleashed capital, they needed to stick together. Mutual aid societies and houses of worship provided support and kept their histories and languages alive. The strong communal bonds that could in effect relocate a European village to a single tenement are evident today in many of Chicago’s neighborhoods. While the points of origin may have changed over the years, Chicago continues to welcome a significant immigrant population.

Decades of Immigrants
Examine Chicago’s top immigrant groups decade by decade, in U.S. Census data from 1850 until 1990. Each year highlights a different country of origin from the top five immigrant groups of that year.

1850 (France)
1860 (Scotland)
1870 (Norway)
1880 (Ireland)
1890 (England)
1900 (Bohemia)
1910 (Austria)
1920 (Russia)
1930 (Germany)
1940 (Sweden)
1950 (Poland)
1960 (Italy)
1970 (Mexico)
1980 (Philippines)
1990 (Korea)


The use of the word ‘lure‘ in the image above without mentioning that (im)migration is a such a big decision that to imply that a whole group (im)migrates because of only one reason seems troublesome. 

(im)migration involves both push and pull factors. People will often be prompted to leave their country because of a push factor (war, economy, environment), then they choose which country to go to for it’s pull factor (liberal immigration policy, availability of jobs and availability of freedoms). 

Although interesting, many of these synopses are so oversimplified as to be misleading. 

The Tarnished History and Image of Police Departments

Long before there was a police force in America, there were sheriffs. The office of sheriff has its roots in 9th century England. According to the National Law Enforcement Museum, the early policing system was modeled after the English structure, which incorporated the watch, constables, and sheriffs (derived from the British term, “shire-reeves”) in a community-based police organization. The British system developed from “kin policing” dating back to about 900 A.D., in which law enforcement power was in the people’s hands, and they were responsible for their families or “kin.”) Early law enforcement was reactionary, rather than pre-emptive—the watch usually responded to criminal behavior only when requested by victims or witnesses.

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‘Selma’s Missing Epilogue: The Recent Dissolution Of The Voting Rights Act

The final scenes of the 2014 film Selma, which depicts Martin Luther King Jr.’s struggle for federal voting rights legislation to protect African Americans in the South, leave viewers applauding, content with our nation’s civil rights progress after witnessing a concrete example of how a protest effected meaningful national change. But what the movie doesn’t provide is an update — a scene that flashes forward almost 50 years to show how the exact rights granted to blacks who marched across Alabama in demonstration have recently been eroded by our highest court and then by states across the country.

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Do you think we will every be able to vote from home to avoid all this voter ID mess and votes getting thrown out because someone has the same name? 

How To Fight Racial Bias When It’s Silent And Subtle [AUDIO]

In the popular imagination and in conventional discourse — especially in the context of highly charged news events such as the shooting of Trayvon Martin — prejudice is all about hatred and animosity.

Scientists agree there’s little doubt that hate-filled racism is real, but a growing body of social science research suggests that racial disparities and other biased outcomes in the criminal justice system, in medicine and in professional settings can be explained by unconscious attitudes and stereotypes.

Subtle biases are linked to police cadets being more likely to shoot unarmed black men than they are unarmed white men. (Some academics have also linked the research into unconscious bias to the Trayvon Martin case.)

– Click through for more –


Tweets you must see 1.4

DeRay and Netta Newsletter – Saturday, Jan 3rd 2015

thisisthemovement #69 – Saturday, Jan. 3rd

# of days that Darren Wilson has remained free : 148# of days that Kajieme Powell has been dead : 139# of days that Vonderrit Myers Jr. has been dead : 86
Let’s Stay ConnectedSo You KnowFerguson

Ferguson, We Still Have a Long Way to Go  In this on-air interview with Emanuele Berry, Brittany Packnett, Johnetta Elzie, Patricia Bynes and Rev. F. Willis Johnson STL Public Radio host Don Marsh asked difficult questions to activists and community leaders from St. Louis about what they’ve learned over the past 140+ days.

Ferguson Year-End-Review The Post-Dispatch has compiled a year-end-review from staff that recount significant experiences and moments from the protests thus farInteresting read.

Protestors Occupy the STL Metro PD Headquarters Protestors occupied the lobby of the Metro PD and protested outside of the headquarters. For now, check out the Post-Dispatch’s article describing the occupation/protest. Check the language throughout the article. Must read.

Pro-Police Rally Held In STL Police supporters held a rally in front of the STL Metro Police Department. Check how the Post-Dispatch describes their rally — it seems as if they missed the sign calling Mike Brown a thug who “caused his own death.” Must read.

McCulloch and Stenger Request Change-Of-Venue for Inauguration Citing “security concerns,” McCulloch and Stenger have requested a change of venue for the inauguration and the event became invite-only.

Protests Nationwide

New York Recent Drop in Arrest NYPD officers have seemed to slow down on policing in New York city, possibly due to tension with Mayor Bill de Blasio. “There was a marked decline in arrests and court summonses in the last week, according to statistics released by police on Tuesday.”

Nashville Police Chief Comments, Protestors Respond The Chief of Police in Nashville offered helpful commentary from the police perspective on the current unrest. And here is the response from Nashville protestors.

Wheaton, MD New Year’s Day Mall Die-In On New Year’s Day, protestors in Wheaton, MD had a die-in to bring in the Year of Resistance.

Utah New Year’s Eve Protests On New Year’s Eve, protestors in Salt Lake City marched through downtown to bring in the Year of Resistance

Protests Cost DC Approximately $3 Million The District of Columbia has recently released figures noting that policing the protests have cost approximately $3 million

Dontre Hamilton

The Landscape of Milwaukee Police Brutality This article provides invaluable historical context to the recent killing of Dontre Hamilton and helps the reader understand the long legacy of police brutality citizens have faced in Milwaukee. Important read.

Ezell Ford

Ezell Ford’s Family Responds to Autopsy Report I thought the gangs would kill him. I thought the police would protect him,” said Ezell Ford’s grandmother Dorothy Clark. This is one of many heartbreaking responses to reading the autopsy report that was recently released. Ford, a mentally ill young black man was killed by a LAPD officer on August 11th, days after Michael Brown Jr.

Protestors Shutdown 110 Freeway After Ezell Ford’s Autopsy Is Released Protestors briefly shutdown the 110 Freeway after the release of Ezell Ford’s autopsy which showed that Ford was shot three times, once in the back.

Sheneque Proctor

Autopsy States Sheneque’s Death Caused by Drug Overdose 18 year old Sheneque Proctor was arrested on November 1, 2014 for disorderly conduct, harassment and possession of marijuana. While in custody, Sheneque died overnight in her Bessemer jail cell. While authorities have not released any information about her death until now. The Jefferson County Coroner’s Office said that her death was from complications of a polydrug overdose.


17 Horrible Things That People Said Weren’t Racist In 2014 Simply put, you must read this. 2014 was quite the year re: raceAbsolute must read.

The Politics of Black vs. African American A recent study has found that “‘Black’ people are viewed more negatively than ‘African Americans’ because of a perceived difference in economic status. As a result, ‘Black’ people are thought of as less competent and has having colder personalities.Absolute must read.

Grand Jury System Needs Change This article explains the purpose of a grand jury, and why in some countries grand juries have been abolished because they seem “too secretive.” “The old saying is a prosecutor can get an indictment on a ham sandwich,” said John Roman of Urban Institute’s Justice Policy Center.

Shouting While Black Goldie Taylor reflects on the picture from a NYC protest, showing a white woman yelling into the face of a white male officer. In her commentary she explains the many ways in which the picture exposes the presence of privilege, especially in protest.

What’s Next

Protests In Your City

Check out to see (or add) a protest in your city. The movement lives.

Events in Ferguson

Remember to check the calendar for events happening in Ferguson. 

Your Role In The Movement

  • Bail Fund Donations. Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) have a bail fund to assist protesters. Click here to donate. According to organizers, the police are aiming to deplete the current bail fund by making the bail of any arrested protester $1,000, the legal limit. Please help.
  • Support The Livestreamers Click here to support the livestreamers and livestreaming training nationwide.
  • And Counting. Click here to purchase one of the now iconic shirts that lists of the names of the victims of black lives lost in state violence. 
  • Rachel Stewart Jewelry. Check out this black-owned jewelry company that has some incredible pieces, including “Young, Gifted and Black” earrings, afro pick earrings, and a high-top afro brooch. Simply put, incredible, y’all. 
  • Ferguson Digital Archive. Washington University has led the creation of a digital repository aiming to “preserve and make accessible” content related to the killing of Mike Brown. Submit or review material.

A police supporter at the STL Metro PD Pro-Police Rally.





If you have any questions/comments or want to submit content, please contact us at or are 13,616 subscribers to this newsletter. Spread the word! 


Looking Back At Ferguson In 2014: ‘We Still Have A Very Long Way To Go’ [AUDIO]

In this on-air interview with Emanuele Berry, Brittany Packnett, Johnetta Elzie, Patricia Bynes and Rev. F. Willis Johnson STL Public Radio host Don Marsh asked difficult questions to activists and community leaders from St. Louis about what they’ve learned over the past 140+ days.”

HT @deray and @nettaaaaaaaa




Jury awards $8M to family of black man who died after being choked by police

The Los Angeles Times reports that a civil court jury has awarded $8 million to the family of a man who died while struggling with L.A. Sheriff’s deputies.


HT @TheObamaCrat2 
