What age is a black boy when he learns he’s scary?- Jonathan Lethem
Source: goodmenproject.com
The U.S. Justice Department bashed the juvenile justice system in Shelby County, Tenn., in 2012. Now, Memphis courts are trying to find a way forward.
Source: www.npr.org
Dr. Cornell West speaks at the pro-Palestinian march on Washington, where he juxtaposes issues facing Palestinians to issues facing African Americans in The United States today.
Filmed by Ford Fischer (@fordfischer on twitter)
Source: www.youtube.com
In July, 51-year-old Marlene Pinnock was walking on the side of a California highway when aCalifornia Highway Patrol officer threw her to the ground and began brutally beating her in the face. That officer, Daniel Andrew, has not been subject to any disciplinary action but he has been placed on “non road patrol duty”, and CHP says its investigation is ongoing.
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Source: shine.forharriet.com
The following exchange, reprinted here in its entirety, began with an e-mail to Ebert’s Movie Answer Man column.
From Daniel Woodburn to Roger Ebert
April 6, 2005
Dear Mr. Ebert,
I am an actor that you have reviewed neither favorably nor unfavorably in two different movies: one was “Death to Smoochy,” the other “Things You Can Tell Just By Looking At Her.” I have absolutely no objection to you trashing a film or lauding it. I do object to the use of the word “midgets” in your review of “Death to Smoochy.”
As a writer you are aware of the power of words. The use of the word midget is, for Little People, equated with any other hate word someone might use to describe a minority group. I simply ask you: if you were to see Little People children would you take away their humanity in the same way with the use of such a hate word? I can respect a yes answer but I cannot respect the person who answers yes.
Sincerely, Danny Woodburn
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Source: www.rogerebert.com
Following the shooting of 18-year-old man by a police officer in the city of Ferguson, Missouri, an outraged community gathered to demand answers. Michael Brown, a black teen and recent high school graduate, was shot dead in the city north of St. Louis on Saturday. The victim’s grandmother said she found her grandson’s body in the street, shortly after seeing him walking near her home, the Associated Press reports. A spokesman for the St. Louis County Police Department confirmed that a Ferguson police officer shot the man, but provided no further details on why the shooting occurred. Witnesses said that Brown was unarmed, KMOV reports.
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Source: www.huffingtonpost.com
Texas has become the deadliest state in the US for undocumented immigrants. This four-part series from the Guardian and The Texas Observer looks at the lives affected by the humanitarian crisis.
In Brooks County alone, the bodies of at least 294 people who died trying to hike around the Border Patrol checkpoint were recovered from February 2011 to March 2014.
Source: www.theguardian.com
Oppression can only survive through silence
-Carmen de Monteflores
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Source: sites.google.com
Source: www.cnn.com
New data from the EEOC show that pregnancy discrimination hits virtually every industry and every geographic area of the country.
Source: www.washingtonpost.com