Last Night on Jeopardy No One Wanted to Answer Qs About Black History

Happy Black History Month, everyone, courtesy of last night’s all-white College Jeopardy panel! In the second round of play, the contestants sailed through five of the categories–including “International Cinema Showcase,” “Weather Verbs,” and “Kiwi Fauna”–but avoided the sixth like the, ahem, black plague. That category was “African-American History.”

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Border Patrol agent shoots, kills migrant who threw rocks

A U.S. Border Patrol agent has shot and killed an apparently undocumented migrant who allegedly threw rocks at the agent, striking his face, near San Diego.


Community Village‘s insight:


U.S. / Mexico border news sounds a lot like Palestine / Israel border news.

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Dunn Trial Juror #4: We Voted 9-3 To Convict Him Of 1st-Degree Murder


Valerie, a home care nurse administrator known as Juror #4 in the Michael Dunn murder trial, has come forward to say that she believes he got away with the murder of 17-year-old

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Black In America: Open Letter To All My Sons (in memory of the young Black men murdered without cause)


“What you hate, change it. What you value, share it. What you love, cultivate it. ”



Community Village‘s insight:


There’s a line in this letter that says “This country has never loved us…”


I explained what the country does love in the comments.

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White rage and white lies: How the right’s language about race created Michael Dunn and George Zimmerman

The way we talk about race remains all wrong — and until we fix it, more young people are going to needlessly die


Community Village‘s insight:


This article goes into depth on what needs to be understood about U.S. race relations.


Talks about implicit racial bias as a pervasive phenomenon, with deep roots in how humans normally think.


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Michael Dunn Headed to Prison for the Shots that Failed to Kill


“… Although Dunn did face some consequences for his behavior and the case was so egregious, the jury still struggled with the notion that Dunn was guilty. Apparently by merely raising the suggestion that Jordan Davis could have had a gun, even though no gun was found, Dunn’s attorneys were able to plant the seed of doubt in the jury. A white guy who shoots black teenagers should be given the benefit of the doubt, the jury apparently reasoned. Even if the shooter fails to contact the police after murdering a black youth and instead orders pizza…”
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Black Lives Matter

“To be Black and conscious in America is to be in a constant state of rage” -James Baldwin (by DesiBjorn)


Community Village‘s insight:


Black Lives Matter

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Michael Dunn Guilty of 3 Counts of Attempted 2nd Degree Murder


“Twelve jurors have found Michael Dunn guilty of 2nd degree attempted murder upon the lives of Tevin Thompson, Leland Brunson, and Tommie Stornes.  Each count carries a minimum sentence of 20 years to a maximum of 30 years.  Sentencing can run concurrently or consecutively.  Some familiar with Judge Healey are of the opinion that he is unlikely to enter concurrent sentences.  That means that Dunn is looking at a minimum of 60 years in prison on the 2nd degree attempted murder convictions.


The jury also found Dunn guilty of shooting a firearm into the vehicle, the sentence of which is a minimum of 15 years.”
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