Forty Million Dollar Slaves: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of the Black Athlete


From Jackie Robinson to Muhammad Ali and Arthur Ashe, African American athletes have been at the center of modern culture, their on-the-field heroics admired and stratospheric earnings envied. But for all their money, fame, and achievement, says New York Times columnist William C. Rhoden, black athletes still find themselves on the periphery of true power in the multibillion-dollar industry their talent built.



Community Village‘s insight:


For those who have no sympathy for millionaires, remember that money isn’t everything. How much is your health worth?



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Why We Still Mourn for Wounded Knee

Community Village‘s insight:


This article has some historical details that I didn’t know. I recommend the whole article. There are so many good sections I didn’t want to quote just one.

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CNN turns story of murder into a “feel good” story

I’m calling out male violence when I see it. Male violence is a huge problem in our society.

This story does no justice to the wife who was murdered. I would think she would want media to call out men on their violence?

CNN dropped the ball on this one. They turned the story upside down. Instead of talking about male aggression, they talk about how great technology is and almost make the murderer out to be a hero because his wife’s organs went to seven other people. Wow. This CNN coverage is male privilege and patriarchy at it’s worst.

Marry girls when they’re ’15 or 16,’ says ‘Duck’ star

“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson is ruffling feathers again, this time for comments he made years ago about how girls should marry when they’re still teenagers.


Community Village‘s insight:


That chauvinist doesn’t mention what’s in the best interst for woman – completing college and having financial freedom and liberty.

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Trayvon Martin and the Nativity?


“What do baby Jesus and Trayvon Martin have in common?  Violence.  ”Jesus was born into a state of total vulnerability as an innocent unarmed child during a time of great violence much like Trayvon Martin… As a result, the original Christmas was a time of great grief and agony for many children and parents,” reads the sign posted near the artist John Zachary’s nativity scene.”

Trayvon Martin was shot through the heart

Trayvon Martin’s sweatshirt.  Source CNN


Community Village‘s insight:


I had tweeted that Trayvon Martin is our contemporary Jesus. Trayvon’s blood stained sweatshirt in the form of a cross with the bullet hole through the heart area is a powerful symbol of the war on Black and Brown youth, which is sold to U.S. culture as “getting tough on crime” and waging a “war on drugs”.

Trayvon Martin is a powerful symbol of Black and Brown youth being seen as criminals; being seen as guilty and stalked or stopped-n-frisked wherever they stand and wherever they walk. At what pace can a Black or Brown youth walk and not been seen as guilty?



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Moms Demand Gun Sense | Videos

Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America is a grassroots effort formed in the wake of the devastating mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut. The Other Easter Egg Hunt PSA VIDEO: “How Many More Rounds?

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Ariel Castro’s Arrest Leads To Solving 2 Murders

Hat Tip to Jueseppi B., TheObamaCrat


After Ariel Castro was arrested for kidnapping and holding captive three women, law enforcement began investigating the disappearance of two other women in the same area.   One of Castro’s neighbors, 49-year-old Elias Acevedo, has confessed to murder, kidnapping, and rape.

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