
The Taínos (tah-EE-noes), commonly called the Arawak Indians, were the main people who lived in the Caribbean when Columbus arrived in 1492. They are the ones he called “Indians”, thinking he was in Asia.”

Spanish genocide and disease wiped out 85% of the Tainos. It shocked Europe, even back then. And yet, despite all that – or, rather, because of all that – the Spanish debated whether the Tainos had souls in the Valladolid Debate (1550-1551).”
See on abagond.wordpress.com

History Repeats Itself, Why I Study History, and History as a Science

There I said it. History. Repeats. Itself. I’ll say it again. History. Repeats. Most historians balk at this notion with a series of well-intended but nonetheless vehement objections. In my experie…


Community Village‘s insight:


Click through to check the cartoon about immigration:

“History Marches on; Nativism Marches in Place”



See on andrewpegoda.com

Jay-Z vs. George Zimmerman

“Rapper Jay Z, who attended last weekend’s “Justice For Trayvon” rally in New York City, has spoken out for the first time on the George Zimmerman verdict wi…

See on www.youtube.com

Women Sue for Humiliating Vaginal Search From State Troopers (Video)

UPDATE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1FVZEpYiLI “A Texas woman and her niece are suing a pair of Texas state troopers and the director of the Texas Depart…


Community Village‘s insight:


Like Cenk Uygur says, what’s the greater violation, being felt up and raped or possessing a joint of marijuana?


The is another example of the “freedom and liberty” we have in the U.S.

The police have the “freedom and liberty” to violate citizens.



See on www.youtube.com

Dutch apologise for Indonesian executions

Formal apology for colonial era mass killings comes ahead of state visit by the Dutch prime minister to Jakarta.


Community Village‘s insight:


People from the Netherlands (Dutch) claim to be among the happiest people in the world (page 23). This is how happy people behave? Invade another country and massacre people?


Or, the Dutch were not happy in 1949? (highest period of European racism)?



See on www.aljazeera.com

Lessons Learned: Immigration – Latino USA

Maria Hinojosa takes us through the lessons Latino USA has learned in twenty years of covering issues related to immigration.   Photo courtesy Flickr  …


Community Village‘s insight:

Maria Hinojosa explains that the term “undocumented” should be replaced with RPI “Registered Provisional Immigrant


See on latinousa.org