Asians in the Library

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“Asians in the Library” (2011) is a YouTube video, a three-minute racist rant against Asians made by Alexandra Wallace (pictured), a White American student at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). It came right after a tsunami had killed 10,000 people in Japan. Three years later it is still the top suggested completion for “Asians” on Google.

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Sterling Silver Plantation Basketball


“What he accomplished with his “racist rant” (unintentionally of course) was to expose the hidden ideology of professional sports, the United States in general, and corporate globalization. And you missed it. If you were at all serious about equality and justice, you’d thank him for doing so[2].”

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SPLC report: Users of leading white supremacist web forum responsible for many deadly hate crimes, mass killings

wade_page_web_storyNearly 100 people in the last five years have been murdered by active users of the leading racist website, Stormfront, according to a report released today by the SPLC’s Intelligence Project.

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What I Learned From Tweeting With A Black Woman’s Avatar For #RaceSwapExp


“3. The level of hateful tweets went from zero to off the charts. With many of these trolls, I would respond once and then block them, or just block them. One such troll, @vincentBrook666, tweeted the following to me in all caps.”



Community Village‘s insight:

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GOP base includes racist ‘elements,’ congressman charges


“(CNN) – Over 50 years after Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, the issue of race is back in the political headlines, after comments from Attorney General Eric Holder and events marking the anniversary of the law’s passage renewed the dialogue over race relations in the 21st century.”



Community Village‘s insight:


No surprise over this ‘news’.

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