#DonaldTrump #DumpTrump Tweets 7.14

#DonaldTrump #DumpTrump Tweets 7.14

#DonaldTrump Tweets 7.7

#DonaldTrump Tweets 7.7

#DonaldTrump #Immigration Tweets 7.2

#DonaldTrump #Immigration Tweets 7.2

#LatinosAreHuman Tweets 6.30

#LatinosAreHuman Tweets 6.30

@getgln PBSO/Bradshaw promotes deputy who shot, paralyzed unarmed bicyclist http://t.co/UH3KLCAnbF pic.twitter.com/TIGjxxht9g #DontrellStephens



Destructive Delay, written by Tania Unzueta and co-authored by B. Loewe, illuminates the inhumane interior Immigration and Customs Enforcement practices that continue unabated while the President postpones action and it highlights the human cost of the delay. The key findings shed light on an agency driven by one calculated mission, to meet a draconian deportation quota, regardless of the costs to public safety, institutional integrity, moral or constitutional considerations.

Through almost three dozen interviews with front-line organizers, legal experts, and people in deportation proceedings, Destructive Delay collects previously disparate and disconnected stories of the lived experience of ICE enforcement activity into a single document. The report provides real-life context for the rhetoric of the debate and gives an inside look into how immigration policy is actually working on the ground.


Source: www.notonemoredeportation.com

Cornel West on Missouri: “Obama reeks of political calculation not moral conviction” [VIDEO]


“American philosopher Cornel West talks to Newsnight about the alienation of black youth in the US following the continued unrest in Ferguson, Missouri. ”


Source: www.youtube.com

Fatal Invention with Dorothy Roberts – AUDIO

New History Podcasts with BerniceBennett on BlogTalkRadio

Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics, and Big Business Re-create Race in the Twenty-first Century

Dorothy Roberts, an acclaimed scholar of race, gender and the law.


“Every time there is a census there is a different definition of race.”

-Dorothy Roberts


Source: www.blogtalkradio.com

Hillary Clinton backs refugee screening abroad for Central American kids


Hillary Clinton thinks the U.S. should create a refugee screening process for Central American children in their home countries to help prevent more young people from undertaking a dangerous trek north.


– Click through for more and VIDEO


Source: fusion.net


Does Hillary Clinton know that Central American governments are likely to recruit to a drug gang or murder any child who asks for asylum?


GOP Straight Up Bribes Democratic Senator In Effort To Block Obamacare

The Republican Party in Virginia has resorted to what appears to be outright bribery in its ongoing effort to deny low-income residents in the state access to the Medicaid expansion authorized by Obamacare.

The Washington Post is reporting that R…
See on www.huffingtonpost.com

GOP base includes racist ‘elements,’ congressman charges


“(CNN) – Over 50 years after Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, the issue of race is back in the political headlines, after comments from Attorney General Eric Holder and events marking the anniversary of the law’s passage renewed the dialogue over race relations in the 21st century.”



Community Village‘s insight:


No surprise over this ‘news’.

See on politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com