Philly Cops Didn’t Know they were On Camera as a Dozen of them Tore Into Tyree Carroll

East Germantown, PA — Multiple Philadelphia cops are under investigation after a video surfaced this week that shows at least a dozen of them waylaying a man lying facedown in the street.

Tyree Carroll, 22, was stopped in April by three Philly Cops. According to his family, Carroll was riding down the street on his bicycle the wrong way, and this prompted the police to stop him. His family also said that at a preliminary hearing one of the officers testified that he stopped Carroll because he just spoke with two men, and they suspected him of buying drugs.

The video picks up after Carroll was allegedly complying with officers to stop and get off of his bicycle. However, according to Jasmyne Cannick, an LA-based blogger, police quickly escalated the situation and Carroll found himself in a struggle with three armed attackers.


The video shows the officers repeatedly pummelling Carroll. He’s struck multiple times by all three officers just as more cops arrive to inflict more pain.

“Here I come! You’re getting f**king tasered!” Screams the officer arriving on scene, seemingly excited to get there to enact his violence.

They too join in on the beating.

Then, even more cops show up, and they join in as well. At this point, one of the officers can be heard screaming, “He f**king bit me!”

According to Cannick, Carroll admitted to biting at an officer’s hand saying that he had to because he was unable to breathe.

During the struggle, the officers can be heard yelling “tase the motherf**ker” and one of them called him a “piece of sh*t.”

Also during the struggle, Carroll can be heard screaming for his grandmother Nancy Carroll to come to the door.

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What if police brutality was seen as a crime?

What if police brutality in the US was seen as a crime, in the same way that “Black” street crime is seen?

1. There would be no paid vacation for killer cops.
 Instead, they would be immediately arrested and their names made public. There would be no need for protests. Or riots. Most killer cops would become “convicted felons” and be locked up for a long time to “keep them off the streets.” Some would be executed to “provide a deterrent.”

2. Killer cops would be arrested on the 11 o’clock news. 
We would not merely hear that they were “taken into custody”. We would see them try to hide their faces.


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Abagond slays it – again.


Cop Shoots at Unarmed Fleeing Man, Never Reports it to Department, Retired Cop Exposes Him

Not until a retired cop, who witnessed the atrocity, went to the media, did this corrupt cop’s department even find out about the shooting. But it was of no consequence, the department stands by their officer.



Y’all. We are paying the police to shoot at us.


It does not have to be this way.


32 Guards Fired From The Florida Department of Corrections


On Friday, Florida Department of Corrections Secretary Michael Crews, fired 32 guards with the Florida Department of Corrections. All were accused of criminal wrongdoing or misconduct in connection with the deaths of inmates at four state prisons.


The Miami Herald began an investigative project into reports of alleged brutality and corruption in the prison system. Only then did prison officials begin to acknowledge the complaints.


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