Anger over another killing of Latino by Salinas police

See on Scoop.itCommunity Village Daily


“Police in Salinas shot and killed a suspect armed with gardening shears Tuesday, but some residents who viewed a video of the deadly run-in on the Internet say the officers went too far.”



Community Village‘s insight:


This was the second shooting of a Latino by Salinas police in less than two weeks.

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Mentally ill Florida prisoner scalded to death.


“An inmate in Florida’s Miami-Dade County, Darren Rainey, was locked inside a shower and burned to death while other inmates heard him desperately crying out for help. Inspectors have ruled that the death was an accident, but some are questioning whether or not this is just a cover-up.


Apparently this isn’t the first time recently that an inmate has died under highly unusual circumstances in a Miami-Dade County prison. ”


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Apparently the mentally ill in the U.S. are not given help, but instead incarcerated, tortured and killed.


Sheriff’s Deputy in Virginia Shoots 50 Year-old Man in the Back… On His Birthday!


“Without any provocation, a deputy officer of the Isle of Wight, Virginia Sheriff’s Department shot a man in the back with a taser, causing him to lose consciousness and fall abruptly to the pavement…”


Click through for VIDEO

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U.S. Border Patrol’s Response To Violence In Question

See on Scoop.itCommunity Village Daily

If an agent kills a Mexican across the border, what happens? Some argue not enough. It’s hard to sue in these cases, and reports show the Border Patrol is rarely holding its own people accountable.

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As border security expands, complaints of abuse rise among Americans

A series of lawsuits filed in recent months in federal courts along the U.S. border with Mexico highlight what advocates say is a growing list of complaints against two U.S. agencies that have expanded rapidly amid the clamor to secure the nation’s borders.

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Tennessee policeman fired after photos show him choking student

NASHVILLE (Reuters) – A sheriff in Tennessee fired an officer after a British newspaper published photographs on Sunday that showed him choking a handcuffed college student until he lost consciousness.

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Killing With Impunity on the U.S.-Mexico Border: The Global Color Line


“As the philosopher Anarchasis observed in the 6th century B.C. in comparing laws to spider webs, laws catch the weak and poor, while the rich and powerful tear them to pieces. Although not always the case, the ancient philosopher has shown himself to be prophetic in both the U.S.-Mexico borderlands and in the area of contemporary international affairs, a profoundly undemocratic arena in which the powerful demand accountability of their weaker enemies, while insulating themselves and their allies from prosecution.”

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The Cops Who Killed Ramarley Graham Walk Free (#NOJUSTICE)

Sign the ColorOfChange.Org petition and demand the D.O.J. to take immediate action by seeing to it that NYPD Officer Richard Haste is put away where he can no longer harm unarmed teenagers on the s…

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