Gil Kerlikowske, head of Customs and Border Protection, tells NPR that he is reviewing scores of incidents. “We need to be better at admitting when we’re wrong or where we’ve made a mistake,” he says.
Gil Kerlikowske, head of Customs and Border Protection, tells NPR that he is reviewing scores of incidents. “We need to be better at admitting when we’re wrong or where we’ve made a mistake,” he says.
The videotaped beating of a homeless African-American woman by a light-skinned California Highway Patrol officer is reopening the L.A. race-relations dialogue initiated by the Rodney King beating 23 years ago.
A police officer has been disciplined after pushing over a wheelchair-bound man. CNN affiliate WRTV reports.
Disturbing and shocking footage has just emerged out of Ohio. The video surveillance recording shows an Ohio woman being handcuffed and charged with resisting
Detainees wrested from sleep every 30 minutes, the lights in their frigid cells never turned off. One detainee told by officials, don’t lie or you’ll be raped. Another detainee sexually abused by guards. Detainees forced to stand in stress positions. Others denied adequate food, water, and medical treatment and held in dehumanizing conditions. “Welcome to hell,” one guard told a detainee, a good metaphor for what occurs across these sites of torment.
These incidents don’t come from military prisons in Iraq or Afghanistan or CIA black sites. This has been happening for years along the Southwest border in U.S. government facilities run by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and its Border Patrol. The victims: children, some as young as infants, as documented in arecent complaint filed by a group of immigrant rights advocates who interviewed 116 unaccompanied children previously held in CBP custody.
Just as appalling, government agencies have known about these abuses for a long time, but failed to take action. Now, more children are vulnerable to harm in Border Patrol custody than ever before. Since October, 47,000 children have left their homes in Central America, mainly in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, for the United States. They flee destabilizing violence and crime fomented by criminal syndicates and gangs, more often than not without a loved one leading the way. With their fate far from certain, they make an arduous, perilous trek, sometimes spanning thousands of miles, in search of refuge in America. They risk it all, not so much in search of a better life, but simply to live.
Once here, many of these brave and resourceful children — who have already suffered abuse many times before throughout their lives — encounter not compassion and empathy from U.S. immigration officials but abuse. The most vulnerable are once again taught a cruel lesson: There’s nowhere safe for them to lay their heads down and just be children.
The advocates’ interviews with unaccompanied children are chilling.
One in four detained children reported physical abuse at the hands of CBP, including sexual assaults and beatings. More than half reported verbal abuse, including racist and sexist insults and even death threats, as well as the denial of urgent medical care. In one instance, a 14-year-old girl’s asthma medication was confiscated. She subsequently suffered multiple asthma attacks. After the first attack, CBP officials threatened her, telling her she better not be faking or else.
Seven out of ten interviewed reported detentions lasting longer than the 72-hour period mandated by law. Three out of ten children reported that their belongings were confiscated and never returned. Many others reported being shackled during transport, the metal restraints excruciatingly digging into their wrists and ankles. Eighty percent reported CBP personnel denied them adequate food and water.
Sometimes the cruelty shocks the conscience.
One 17-year-old girl, soaking wet, was placed in a frigid holding cell, which detained children commonly referred to as the hielera, or the freezer. Her only drinking water came from the toilet tank. When she had to use the toilet, she found herself exposed to other detainees and a wall-mounted security camera.
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“Fruitvale Station” (2013) is an American film about the last day of Oscar Grant’s life. On January 1st 2009, Grant, an unarmed Black man, was shot in the back by the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) police at Fruitvale Station in Oakland, California. Octavia Spencer plays his mother. Ryan Coogler writes and directs, his first film. It won an NAACP Image Award, an award at Cannes, but no Oscar.
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I saw this movie. It has excellent acting and cinematography, it’s entertaining, and of course it’s heartbreaking like crazy.
The head of internal affairs for U.S. Customs and Border Protection was removed from his post Monday amid criticism that he failed to investigate hundreds of allegations of abuse and use of force by armed border agents, officials said.
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“…some agents had intentionally stepped in front of moving vehicles to justify shooting at them. Other agents appeared to have fired their weapons at rock-throwers, when simply moving away from the projectiles was an option.”
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“A 19-month-old boy remained in critical condition in an induced coma at an Atlanta hospital Friday after authorities trying to capture a suspected meth dealer threw a flash grenade into the baby’s crib.”
This is one of the results from the U.S. war on drugs.
Remember, you can’t have a war on an inanimate object. A war on drugs is a war on people.
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