EDITORIAL: Ferguson, Michael Brown and the Renewed Mission of Good Black News


“As the editor of a website dedicated solely to providing and promoting Good Black News, it has been admittedly hard in the past week to bring myself to post what were starting to seem like frivolous accomplishments and events in the wake of a soul-stirring grass roots movement against tyranny and injustice.  This unrest in particular feels like it has the makings of a sea change from the status quo into a new era of human rights, where systemic and commonplace brutality is voted down and rooted out of any and all policing bodies that are meant to Protect and Serve, not Terrify and Dehumanize.”


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Source: goodblacknews.org

Why Ferguson Matters to Asian Americans


“For weeks I have been in awe of the organizers and writers – Rev. Osagyefo SekouJamala RogersMalkia CyrilTa-Nehesi Coatesjohn a. powellFalguni A. Sheth, and so many others – who have placed the situation in Ferguson into critical historical and political context. This despite persistent attempts by police, elected officials, and mainstream media to erase that context with vilifications of black political protest and black life. I write this post to express my solidarity and rage, and to offer a response to the disturbing question that I’ve heard asked, and that demands an answer: Does Ferguson matter to Asian Americans?”


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Source: www.racefiles.com

Cops Filmed Beating Man During Arrest At Walmart


Deputies in South Carolina are being probed after a suspect was beaten during an arrest caught on video Saturday.

Witnesses filmed two Greenville County Sheriff’s Office deputies as they appeared to punch a man more than 10 times during the arrest, which occurred at Walmart.

According to WSPA, deputies responded to a call about a man acting erratically at Walmart. They said he appeared to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Although they struck the man twice with a stun gun, cops said the shock failed to incapacitate him


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Source: www.huffingtonpost.com

Autopsy Shows Victor White III Was Shot In The Chest (while handcuffed), Contradicts Police Report


This black boy was handcuffed with his hands behind his back but the police said he shot himself. However, according to the autopsy, “the bullet entered White’s chest, then perforated his left lung and heart before exiting his armpit area and lacerating his upper arm.”


Source: thoughtprovokingperspectives.wordpress.com

Ferguson Police Officer Justin Cosma Hog-Tied And Injured A Young Child, Lawsuit Alleges

WASHINGTON — A Ferguson police officer who helped detain a journalist in a McDonald’s earlier this month is in the midst of a civil rights lawsuit because he allegedly hog-tied a 12-year-old boy who was checking the mail at the end of his driveway.

Source: www.huffingtonpost.com

13 Cops Dispatched to Arrest One 15-year-old Girl, Because a Cop ‘Smelled Weed’

“I looked down like this and saw their red light right here on my baby’s back. They told me to get back or they’ll shoot.” Residents of the Countryside mobile home park in Fargo, ND have expressed concerns over racial profiling and police misconduct for some time. A recent cellphone video has captured a brutal…

Source: thefreethoughtproject.com

Henry Davis


Henry Davis (c. 1957- ), an American welder, was beat up by the police in Ferguson, Missouri in 2009. After that they charged him with “damage of property” for getting blood on their uniforms.

Davis is not from Ferguson. He pulled off the road there in the middle of the night to wait out bad weather. It was raining so hard he could barely see.

The police approached his car.
 They took his phone from his hand, put on hand cuffs and took him to the police station. They did not say why.

At the station
 the police found out that he was the wrong Henry Davis – the one they were looking for had a different middle name.

Instead of letting him go, they threw him in jail and beat him up while hand-cuffed. Then they charged him with bleeding on their uniforms:

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Source: abagond.wordpress.com

SD Police Say Tazing 8-Year-Old Native Girl Was Justified, Family Sues


The family of an 8-year-old Native American girl who was tazed by police in October is suing while the Pierre Police Department say it was justified.


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Source: indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com