A Virginia cop has resigned after his body camera captured him assaulting a man during a medical emergency.
Source: thefreethoughtproject.com
A Virginia cop has resigned after his body camera captured him assaulting a man during a medical emergency.
Source: thefreethoughtproject.com
The cops lied, the prosecutors covered it up, case closed. Until now….traffic cam footage proves that the deputy lied about fearing for his life.
Source: thefreethoughtproject.com
What if police brutality in the US was seen as a crime, in the same way that “Black” street crime is seen?
1. There would be no paid vacation for killer cops. Instead, they would be immediately arrested and their names made public. There would be no need for protests. Or riots. Most killer cops would become “convicted felons” and be locked up for a long time to “keep them off the streets.” Some would be executed to “provide a deterrent.”
2. Killer cops would be arrested on the 11 o’clock news. We would not merely hear that they were “taken into custody”. We would see them try to hide their faces.
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Source: abagond.wordpress.com
Abagond slays it – again.
A Phoenix cop said he had to stomp a young man’s head into a convenience store floor because cops are threatened nationwide.
Source: thefreethoughtproject.com
The oppression is real and systemic.
It takes a rare breed to unlawfully beat down a person with the mentality of a 7-year-old and then refuse to apologize.
Source: thefreethoughtproject.com
A grandma who stands less than 5 feet tall apparently caused this officer to fear for his safety as she delivered cupcakes. So he savagely assaulted her.
Source: thefreethoughtproject.com
As of February 15, only a month and a half into 2015, there has been at least 136 individuals killed by police in the United States since the first of the year.
The frighteningly high number averages out to three killed per day, or someone killed every eight hours. While there is no government-run database, Killed By Police has taken it upon themselves to keep track, and are doing a fantastic job thus far.
Just to put things into perspective, let’s take a look at the rates at which police in other countries kill their citizens.
Let’s look at our immediate neighbors to the north, Canada. The total number of citizens killed by law enforcement officers in the year 2014, was 14; that is 78 times less people than the US.
If we look at the United Kingdom, 1 person was killed by police in 2014 and 0 in 2013. English police reportedly fired guns a total of three times in all of 2013, with zero reported fatalities.
From 2010 through 2014, there were four fatal police shootings in England, which has a population of about 52 million. By contrast, Albuquerque, N.M., with a population 1 percent the size of England’s, had 26 fatal police shootings in that same time period.China, whose population is 4 and 1/2 times the size of the United States, recorded 12 killings by law enforcement officers in 2014.
Let that sink in. Law enforcement in the US killed 92 times more people than a country with nearly 1.4 billion people.
It doesn’t stop there.From 2013-2014, German police killed absolutely no one.
Source: thefreethoughtproject.com
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St. Louis police provide a compelling example of why so many people are losing trust in police.
Source: thefreethoughtproject.com
Cops are beating us like animals. Worse than animals.
Not until a retired cop, who witnessed the atrocity, went to the media, did this corrupt cop’s department even find out about the shooting. But it was of no consequence, the department stands by their officer.
Source: thefreethoughtproject.com
Y’all. We are paying the police to shoot at us.
It does not have to be this way.
When this mother asked a deputy to come and talk to her son, she never thought that he would publicly torture this 12-year-old boy. Luckily for the boy, neighbors called for help.
Source: thefreethoughtproject.com
Never call the cops for help.