#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.12

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.12

#McKinney #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.9

#McKinney #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.9

Families of Police Violence Victims Face Trauma Without Support

Truthout spoke with relatives of murdered Black men, who described feeling angry and isolated, their lives left in tatters.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.truth-out.org




Coroner: College Student’s Death In Police Isolation Cell Ruled Homicide

SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) β€” A 22-year-old college student found dead in restraints at a Georgia county jail died from several blunt-force injuries to his head and upper body, the coroner who ruled the death a homicide said Thursday.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: talkingpointsmemo.com

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.3

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.3

Police Deleted Over an Hour of Video Showing them Shooting Teen 16 Times, 9 Times in the Back

Chicago, Illinois – As more details come to light about the death of 17-year old Laquan McDonald, the more it seems that the Chicago police department is involved in a massive cover-up. On the night of October 20, 2014 McDonald was shot sixteen times by Chicago police officers. McDonald was gunned down near a Burger…

Source: thefreethoughtproject.com

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.1

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 6.1

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 5.29

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 5.29