#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 8.19

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 8.19

#PoliceBrutality Tweets 8.17

#PoliceBrutality Tweets 8.17

Navajo Kindergartner Sent Home First Day of School For Having Long Hair

By Toyacoyah Brown on August 28, 2014


“Malachi was excited to start school all summer long. After we had enrolled him he was excited, everyday it was the question, ‘mom are we going to school?’” said Malachi’s mother, April Wilson.


Excited about his first day of school, Malachi walked into the doors of F.J. Young Elementary only to be told he couldn’t attend because his hair was too long.


Never mind that their mascot has long hair! And the town they live in is also named after the Seminole Indians. Watch more of the story from CBS 7 News:

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.powwows.com

My son has long hair. Most people assume he is a girl. One white kid kicked him for no reason when they were in a jumpy house. The mother pulled her son out quick tho.

Parents sometimes ask me why I have his hair long, like I need to give them a reason.

Cop Drags Mentally Ill Woman by Her Ankle Down a Flight of Stairs

WOOSTER, OH — A now-former Sheriff’s Deputy has resigned following a horrific scene from his body cam showing him drag a mentally ill woman down a flight of stairs by her ankle.

The woman can be heard screaming in pain and agony on the footage.

The cop continues to drag her by her ankle into a puddle on the concrete, soaking her head in filthy water.

Deputy Ryan Peterman has “resigned” now that the footage has been reviewed and released to the public.


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Sourced through Scoop.it from: filmingcops.com

Chicago Moms Take to the Street to Prevent Violence, Doing a Better Job than Cops & Gun Control

Gun control and thousands of cops couldn’t do what this small group of courageous and caring mothers are doing in America’s deadliest city.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: thefreethoughtproject.com


#DeathByPolice #PoliceBrutality Tweets 8.6

#DeathByPolice #PoliceBrutality Tweets 8.6

Full Unedited Body Cam Video Of #SamDubose Murder by Officer Ray Tensing

This is the full raw body cam footage of the murder of Sam Dubose by University of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tinsing. This includes Tinsing speaking to other officers after the shooting.

Dubose was originally stopped for not having a front license plate. Officer Tinsing claimed that Dubose had run him over and was dragging him with his car, which is clearly not the case in the video. Tinsing was indicted by a grand jury on murder charges today (July 29).

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.youtube.com

The full unedited video. Horrific.


America, the oppression has never stopped. Never stopped.



Henry Davis Wins Appeal Against Ferguson Cops Who Beat Him; Can Now Sue for Excessive Force

The Ferguson cops charged Henry Davis with destruction of property because he bled on their uniforms when they beat him.

Then, as if fearing it might be outdone in ridiculousness, a federal district court ruled that Davis could not sue the cops for violating his Fourth Amendment rights because they had not injured him badly enough as he lay handcuffed on the jailhouse floor, a working man arrested on a traffic warrant in a case of mistaken identity.

“As unreasonable as it may sound, a reasonable officer could have believed that beating a subdued and compliant Mr. Davis while causing only a concussion, scalp lacerations and bruising with almost no permanent damage did not violate the Constitution,” the district court ruled in tossing out the case.

Davis appealed and his attorney James Schottel responded to absurdity with legal reasoning. He argued that the decisive factor was not the seriousness of Davis’s injuries but the nature of the officers’ actions.

The district court had ruled that the officers enjoyed “official immunity” because they “acted within their discretion and caused only de minimis [slight] injuries.”

Schottel contended that official immunity “does not apply to discretionary acts done in bad faith or with malice.”

The appeals court could not have been clearer in its response on Tuesday.

“We agree.”


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Sourced through Scoop.it from: goodblacknews.org

When Cops Get Caught Sanitizing Or Flat-Out Lying About Brutality

What might appear improper to the average citizen is often found to be justified in the eyes of the law. (This story includes graphic videos.)

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.huffingtonpost.com

trigger warning. horrific violence by cops