A video uploaded to Twitter shows a power tripping cop unleash his fury on a teen for no good reason.
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A video uploaded to Twitter shows a power tripping cop unleash his fury on a teen for no good reason.
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After an innocent mom reported a cop for being rude, he pulled her over, called for back up and beat her as her children watched in horror.
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This is what we pay our police to do. Punch a Mom in the face while her kids watch.
Cops Rupture Handcuffed Man’s Spleen, Laugh at Him, Take Pics as He Lay Dying and Begging
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St. Petersburg, FL — An investigation by 10 News found that city officials in St. Petersburg intentionally used non-compliant road signage in school zones, putting children’s safety at risk, so they could write more tickets and collect revenue.
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On August 27, 2015, hundreds packed the First Corinthian Baptist Church (FCBC) in Harlem, New York City. There was a kick-in-the-gut, kick-in-the-heart intensity in the air, as a crowd—a majority Black people but many others as well—gathered for a program sponsored by the Stop Mass Incarceration Network to hear Carl Dix, Dr. Cornel West, ‘Stolen Lives’ families, Gina Belafonte and others speak to What We Must Do to STOP Police Murder and Terror—Get Ready for #RiseUpOctober: Massive Mobilization to Stop Police Terror & Murder, October 22-24 in NYC. Watch the full event at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFTND…
Here’s how you can be part of it:
1. Follow & share the Stop Mass Incarceration Network at stopmassincarceration.net; Twitter: @StopMassIncNet; Facebook: Stop Mass Incarceration Network; https://www.facebook.com/events/76758….
Use #RiseUpOctober #WhichSideAreYouOn!
2. Donate at stopmassincarceration.net or send a tax-deductible contribution to “Stop Mass Incarceration/AfGJ” with “Rise Up October” in the memo field/line to Stop Mass Incarceration Network, PO Box 941, Knickerbocker Station, New York City, NY 10002-0900
3. Distribute promotional materials: Download palm cards, posters & the Rise Up October Call Give them out in a laundromat, a library, a classroom, coffee shops, salons and barbershops.
4. Endorse the Call: As an individual, organization, union, school club,or religious group.
5. Organize your faith community, school, sorority, fraternity, union to get on the bus and get to NYC Saturday October 24.
6. Be in touch with the national movement, online or call 646.709.1961
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.youtube.com
A slow genocide is still a genocide. I wouldn’t even say the genocide against Black, Latino and Native communities is slow. The murder of one person snuffs out a whole future family tree.
Video of Scuffle Prompts Anger at Stockton, Calif., Police http://t.co/qLWTgoym5j #HesAFuckingKid #StocktonPD #BlackLivesMatter
— Propane Jane (@docrocktex26) September 19, 2015
Hill family. i admire their strength and resilience. we will continue to fight for Anthony. #JusticeForAnthonyHill 💜 pic.twitter.com/a5T4L8qLdE
— aris (@ivavoxo) September 19, 2015
The moment a man is tasered has been caught on camera in super slow motion by YouTube wizards The Slow Mo Guys.
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People in the U.S. are getting tasered to death.
HT @ShaunKing
#NatashaMcKenna died after being tasered 4 times by police with a hood over her head and her hands handcuffed behind her back.
Horrifying Video Shows Cops Tell K9 “Good Boy” as they Let Him Maul a Handcuffed Man http://t.co/DlF86E1DWq via @po_st
— Dr. Scott Bowman (@DrScottBowman) September 8, 2015
"The number of police officers shot and killed is down this year, and half killed are black" by @ShaunKing: http://t.co/kGKCORoU9D
— Son of Baldwin (@SonofBaldwin) September 8, 2015
Off-duty cop nearly kills woman in front of her child over a parking violation. #IntelGroup
http://t.co/hndOkAO3y5 pic.twitter.com/iVhZ0VBpym
— D (@Delo_Taylor) September 8, 2015
Mind you, when we say that American police killed 823 people this year, it doesn't include #NatashaMcKenna or ANYONE who died IN CUSTODY.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) September 10, 2015
#NatashaMcKenna died after being tasered 4 times by police with a hood over her head and her hands handcuffed behind her back.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) September 10, 2015
If you want to know WHAT happened to #NatashaMcKenna WITHOUT watching the awful video, read my latest piece here.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) September 10, 2015