Why Do American Cops Kill More People Than in Other Countries?

Historic rates of fatal police shootings in Europe suggest that American police in 2014 were 18 times more lethal than Danish police and 100 times more lethal than Finnish police, plus they killed significantly more frequently than police in France, Sweden and other European countries.

A U.S. cop spends almost 20 times as many hours’ training in using force than in conflict de-escalation.


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Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.newsweek.com

This article explains from many perspectives why the large disparity if civilians killed by police in the U.S. vs police in Europe.

Family Gets $4.9M After Cops Beat Mentally Ill Son to Death on Video and Walked Free

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Sourced through Scoop.it from: thefreethoughtproject.com



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Sourced through Scoop.it from: thefreethoughtproject.com