Assault at Spring Valley High

At Spring Valley High School in Columbia, South Carolina, police officer Ben Fields used force to remove a student from class. That was on Monday October 26th 2015. It was caught on video by three students with mobile phones and it spread like wildfire across the Internet. The videos show a Black girl sitting at…

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The One Student Who Spoke Up Against the Cop Attacking a School Girl, Was Arrested For It

Everyone is asking, ‘Why didn’t anyone speak up with the cop attacked a student?’ Someone did, and she was arrested for it.

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The teacher who requested an officer either has a low IQ, or has malicious intent. How can a teacher not know that when an officer confronts a Black person it rarely goes well. That teacher needs to be shut down and out of a job. This has to stop. All the abuse, all the disrespect, all the terror – it all needs to stop – now.

VIDEO: Same Dept that Arrested Sandra Bland, Taser City Councilman In the Back While on His Knees

For peacefully questioning the police in his own front yard, Prairie View City Councilman Jonathan Miller was assaulted and arrested — in a similar manner as Sandra Bland.

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Not Concerned with Police Brutality? You Should be, It’s Costing You Hundreds of Millions

If the fact that innocent people are getting beat down by police isn’t enough to wake people up to the police state, maybe knowing that they are paying for it will.

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Reports: Officer’s shooting of 12 Year Old #TamirRice justified

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A white Cleveland police officer was justified in fatally shooting a black 12-year-old boy holding a pellet gun moments after pulling up beside him, according to two outside reviews conducted at the request of the prosecutor investigating the death.

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Dashcam Refutes Cop’s Story of “Fearing for His Life,” Shows Him Taser Man for Parking Ticket

A cowardly Kansas City cop decided to tase an innocent man while issuing a parking ticket and then lie about it. Apparently he forgot about his dashcam.

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