CESAR CHAVEZ Movie Trailer (2014)

CESAR CHAVEZ Movie Trailer. In theaters April 4th, 2014 Join us on Facebook http://facebook.com/FreshMovieTrailers Directed by Diego Luna, Chávez chronicles …

See on www.youtube.com

Immigrants Are Being Held In “Freezers” Before Being Sent To Detention Centers


“Interviews and court records show many immigrants have been held for days in rooms kept at temperatures so low that they develop pneumonia and other illnesses.”

See on www.mycuentame.org

Choosing not to protect child farmworkers


“Children are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of pesticide exposure as their bodies are still developing, and they consume more water and food and breathe more air, pound for pound, than adults. Long-term effects of pesticide exposure include cancer, neurological problems and reproductive health issues.


Most children working on farms in North Carolina are poor and Latino. While their parents are frequently undocumented migrants, most of the children are U.S. citizens. Farmworker parents rely on their children’s minimum wage earnings to help supplement meager family incomes, averaging less than $20,000 annually nationwide.


Under a double standard in federal labor law, children can work in agriculture at far younger ages, for far longer hours and in far more hazardous conditions than other working children. Federal law has no minimum age for children to work on small farms with their parents’ permission. At age 12, children can work for hire on a farm of any size.




Community Village‘s insight:


Racist U.S. laws allow certain groups of children (mostly Latino) to work in these dangerous conditions.



See on www.newsobserver.com

Family In Protest

Explore Think Mexican’s photos on Flickr. Think Mexican has uploaded 49 photos to Flickr.


Community Village‘s insight:

Does it make a difference in the immigration debate if we view those of Mexican heritage as Native American?

See on www.flickr.com

The Dream is Now

Take Action- http://www.thedreamisnow.org/take-action Help make 11 million dreams come true!

The Dream Is Now, a new 30-minute documentary film by Davis Guggenheim (Academy Award-wining director of An Inconvenient Truth), tells the moving story of those directly affected by a broken immigration system, the undocumented children of immigrants who yearn to contribute more to the country they call home. This thought-providing film puts a human face on the issue and brings attention to Congress’ efforts to pass reform that will give undocumented youth and their families the chance to earn their citizenship.

The Dream is Now with Spanish Subtitles –http://youtu.be/-5RQ1S2q45Q

If you are interested in hosting a screening in your community, please email: film@thedreamisnow.org
See on www.youtube.com

Video: Stopping a Deportation Bus

What an emotionally grounding feeling to stop a deportation bus!

Last week, the #united4 were released after engaging in civil disobedience outside the ICE detention center in Phoenix, and dozens of dreamers and Original Dreamers were gathered for a prayer vigil. All of a suddenwe saw the bus about to pull 27 families apart and we decided to take action.

Watch it all in this video and share with your friends too!
See on action.unitedwedream.org

‘Bodies on the Border’

Forensics experts in Arizona struggle to identify the bodies of migrants who perished while attempting to cross illicitly from Mexico into the United States.


Community Village‘s insight:

The narrator makes a good point: We don’t hear politicians talking about the dead bodies along the border.


If they don’t know – shame on them. If they don’t care – double shame on them. Either way we need politicians with a heart – who care about human life, dignity and respect. @getgln


The forensic specialist makes a good point: The border crossers would have gladly paid a fee to the U.S. governement for a legitimate work visa instead of paying a smuggler.

See on www.nytimes.com