Testimony: DHS agents admit reports falsified

A special agent who replaced a Department of Homeland Investigations-Office of Inspector General supervisor in McAllen testified Monday that he couldn’t believe several agents told him they falsified reports.


Community Village‘s insight:


I didn’t see in the article what information was falsified.


However, the article goes on to say:


“As part of that process, Green would fill out a file review worksheet and place it with the case file, he testified. The file review worksheet would identify what work had been done on cases and set goals for agents to work toward.

In March 2012, when Green was set to conduct his second round of file reviews, he discovered that most of the 100 or so cases were missing the worksheets, which had been there during the first review, he testified.”

See on www.brownsvilleherald.com

Undocumented: How Immigration Became Illegal eBook: Aviva Chomsky


Explores what it means to be undocumented in a legal, social, economic and historical context

Immigrant rights activist Aviva Chomsky shows how “illegality” and “undocumentedness” are concepts that were created to exclude and exploit. With a focus on US policy, she probes how and why people, especially Mexican and Central Americans, have been assigned this status—and to what ends. Blending history with human drama, Chomsky explores what it means to be undocumented in a legal, social, economic, and historical context. She also unmasks how undocumented people live—how they work, what social services they’re eligible for, and how being undocumented affects the lives of children and families. Undocumented turns a fresh lens onto one of today’s most pressing debates.

See on www.amazon.com

How Justin Bieber Got Deported


“Or actually, he didn’t.


Canadian teenage pop sensation, Justin Bieber, appears to be suffering from “affluenza.” But if he isn’t careful, he will be on a one-way ticket to Canada. 

The teen superstar is here on a temporary visa, an O-1, which is usually reserved for foreign nationals with extraordinary ability. There are several ways in which he can be subject to deportation. While he is in jail, ICE could place a hold on him for his DUI charge in Florida, and take Bieber into custody even before he is convicted of any charges. If Bieber is prosecuted and convicted of the felony charge in California for egging his neighbor’s home, depending on the prison term, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) can initiate deportation proceedings, and possibly deport him to Canada.”



Community Village‘s insight:


Let me know when the deportation proceedings begin.


Otherwise, I see U.S. Double Standards / White Priviledge / Institutionalized Inequity in the Criminal Justice System

See on www.racefiles.com

Immigration reform advocates demonstrate in over 200 congressional offices


As 2013 comes to a close and Congress prepares to wind down, advocates are making a forceful push for immigration reform. From the Capitol to the National Mall, immigration activists turned out in large numbers to show support for comprehensive reform.

See on nbclatino.com

Sign the petition: No father should be deported for driving to work!

I just signed a petition to Jon Gurule, Immigration & Customs in AZ, John Sandweg, Director of ICE, and ERO ICE Community Outreach: No father should be deported for driving to work!

See on petitions.moveon.org

This App Demonstrates What It’s Like To Be Undocumented

When Erick Garcia first talked to VOXXI two weeks ago about participating in a hackathon hosted by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s advocacy group FWD.us, he confessed he was nervous.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Immigrants Are Being Held In “Freezers” Before Being Sent To Detention Centers


“Interviews and court records show many immigrants have been held for days in rooms kept at temperatures so low that they develop pneumonia and other illnesses.”

See on www.mycuentame.org