Does beauty trump race?


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Does beauty trump race? 


Or does it depend? 


Is there more favor for beautiful people in general – regardless of race?


Is there more discrimination against ugly people – regardless of race?


Do we talk about discrimination against ugly people?


If not – why?


Don’t say because beauty is subjective. ‘Cause you know, Hollywood knows, and the music industry knows who’s beautiful (who sells tickets) regardless of race.


We know that individuals have preferences, but I’m talking the big picture. I mean the standard things like symmetry, even skin tone (without blemishes), and people who are not too skinny, not too fat, not too short, not too tall – these perfect middle of the road beauties. They have privilege. But more importantly, those who do not fit these perfect middle of the road norms are discriminated against – and we don’t talk about it. Why don’t we talk about it.


I think there is something deep here. Some prejudice that our whole society has that we don’t talk about. We celebrate beauty like crazy but we don’t talk about discrimination against the less beautiful.


I think the positive treatment of the beautiful and the discrimination against the less beautiful has a compounding effect over a person’s lifetime.


I think discrimination against the less beautiful can lead some of them toward depression, drugs, crime, incarceration. I think this is a big issue that no one talks about.


Yes, people have more to their identity then just their beauty or lack of it. But our society (Western Society) places a lot of emphasis on celebrating beauty. But how much time do we spend acknowledging that less beautiful people are being discriminated against all the time?


I say, add beauty to the intersectional graph and let’s stop pretending that it’s not a serious factor in people’s lives.


Angelina Jolie Opens Sex Violence Summit With Aim to End War Rape



ABC News’ Hamish Macdonald reports:

LONDON – Actress Angelina Jolie opened a high-profile global summit in London today, aimed at ending sexual violence in conflict and emphasizing the message that victims have nothing to be ashamed of.

Rape in war zones is widespread and affects hundreds of thousands of people, many in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

“It is a myth that rape is an inevitable part of conflict; there is nothing inevitable about it,” Jolie, special envoy to the U.N. Commissioner for Refugees, said in opening the London conference. “It is a weapon of war aimed at civilians. It has nothing to do with sex, everything to do with power.”


Click through to read more. 

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A Comic Points Out The Absurdity Of A Famous Fantasy Film For Not Including A Certain Kind Of Actor

The reality of Hollywood can be hilariously unreal when it comes to fantasy movies.


Community Village‘s insight:


Hollywood does a lot of work in maintaining segregation and inequity. When they do not include people of color, they are keeping the jobs and the money from people of color.


Their movies often do not reflect the real mixture of races in today’s United States.

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Racial diversity still lacking in Hollywood’s major films


“The numbers are troubling still in the prestigious Academy Awards. Only three black men have won awards in the Best Leading Actor category from 1958 to 2013, and only one black woman, Halle Berry in 2001 for her role in Monster’s Ball, has ever won the award for Best Leading Actress.


Despite the praise and success of these films, there is still a major problem in representation of black talent in Hollywood. The main issue is that they are casted for roles that are racially limiting in nature rather than what The Huffington Post’s Senior Editor Kia Makarechi calls “non-racially coded characters.” 12 Years, Fruitvale, Mandela, and The Butler demand black actors to fill in black roles.


Community Village‘s insight:


The lack of racial diversity in Hollywood is more evidence of discrimination in employment, which in turn keeps those salaries out of the hands of people of color.


It’s 2014 now and it seems each ethnic group needs to create it’s own industry of careers in order to get full employment. But even then, it’s still the mass media and the big budget blockbusters where the bigger money is, so the discrimination and favoritism is a form of oppression.



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Treat Us All Like Justin Bieber!!

The Justin Bieber law enforcement experience is a remarkable one. Tell the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, and police departments to treat ALL undocumented immigrants with the same sort of consideration and respect.


Community Village‘s insight:


Click through to sign the petition.

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