The top 1% of Americans

“There’s a cruelty here that I don’t think I’ve seen”

“There’s a cruelty here that I don’t think I’ve seen”

We need to raise the minimum wage and tie it to inflation.

We need to raise the minimum wage and tie it to inflation.

This Law Was Based on a Racist Stereotype. Now It Punishes Thousands of Families for Being Poor. 

Last April, Melissa Ortiz, a low-income mother of four, gave testimony to a committee of the California Assembly detailing her life on the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids program, or CalWORKs, the state’s welfare program. “When we first had the twins, the only person in my family getting…


The Color of Wealth: The Story Behind the U.S. Racial Wealth Divide


“For every dollar owned by the average white family in the United States, the average family of color has less than a dime. Why do people of color have so little wealth? The Color of Wealth lays bare a dirty secret: for centuries, people of color have been barred by laws and by discrimination from participating in government wealth-building programs that benefit white Americans.”



Community Village‘s insight:


Book recommended by Joanna Shoffner Scott and Paula Dressel of Race Matters Institute


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Kent Wong: A More Inclusive Labor Movement


“Kent Wong Director of the UCLA Labor Center and VP of the California Federation of Teachers spoke with GRITtv about the AFL-CIO broadening it’s inclusivity.”



Community Village‘s insight:


Mr. Wong explains that his mentor, Cesar Chavez was able to organized undocumented workers to take on some of the most powerful interests in the U.S. – and win.

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Scot Nakagawa: Economic Rights are Civil Rights


“GRITtv: The demand for jobs was the great unmet demand of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. While many have made that point, few have talked plainly about why the demand for federal investment in training and jobs for the unemployed dropped out of the picture of civil rights. Scot Nakagawa is not afraid to talk about it. Nakagawa is co-founder of Changelab, a social movement think tank, and the author of the regularly provocative Race Files.”



Community Village‘s insight:


We invest in incarceration instead of education.

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The Destruction of Black Wall Street


“Greenwood, Oklahoma, a suburb of Tulsa, was the type of community that African Americans are still, today, attempting to reclaim and rebuild.  It was modern, majestic, sophisticated and unapologetically…”


Linda Christenson writes the following:


“The term “race riot” does not adequately describe the events of May 31—June 1, 1921 in Greenwood… In fact, the term itself implies that both blacks and whites might be equally to blame for the lawlessness and violence. The historical record documents a sustained and murderous assault on black lives and property. This assault was met by a brave but unsuccessful armed defense of their community by some black World War I veterans and others.


During the night and day of the riot, deputized whites killed more than 300 African Americans. They looted and burned to the ground 40 square blocks of 1,265 African American homes, including hospitals, schools, and churches, and destroyed 150 businesses. White deputies and members of the National Guard arrested and detained 6,000 black Tulsans who were released only upon being vouched for by a white employer or other white citizen. Nine thousand African Americans were left homeless and lived in tents well into the winter of 1921.
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Exporting the American Dream: Thoughts on “Free” Trade Agreements


“NAFTA, like most free trade agreements, is nothing remotely close to free. This policy singlehandedly destroyed the rural economy in Mexico and the lives of millions of regular working people.”

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