Family Has to Sue After Killer Cop Murders Their Unarmed Son On Video & Got Away With It

Having been completely failed by the justice system, the family of a young man murdered by police has to seek justice through the civil court.

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#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 10.23

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 10.23

#BlackLivesMatters Tweets 10.22

#BlackLivesMatters Tweets 10.22

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 10.21

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 10.21

Homan Square revealed: how Chicago police ‘disappeared’ 7,000 people

Exclusive: Lawsuit exposes scale of detention at off-the-books interrogation warehouse while attorneys describe find-your-client chase ‘from a Bond movie’

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#CoreyJones #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 10.19

#CoreyJones #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 10.19

Family Suing after Video Showed Their Child Killed by a Cop after Flashing his Brights

A teen boy flashed his brights at a cop to alert the officer that his lights were too bright, 5 minutes later the cop shot him 7 times.

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Let’s see if the #AllLivesMatter folks say anything.

Video Shows Police Officers “Protecting & Serving” a Computer Science Student — to Death

In all, 9 police officers were fired and 2 were charged in the killing of a Savannah college student.

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#SayHerName Tweets 10.12

#SayHerName Tweets 10.12