Having been completely failed by the justice system, the family of a young man murdered by police has to seek justice through the civil court.
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Having been completely failed by the justice system, the family of a young man murdered by police has to seek justice through the civil court.
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Report: FBI to join probe of Corey Jones death https://t.co/OihRRvhg7y
— TIME.com (@TIME) October 23, 2015
#CoreyJones Was Standing on a Fla. Highway Waiting for a Tow Truck, So How Did He End Up Dead? – https://t.co/YM8ccY7vjc
— DcSlumdog (@DcSlumdog) October 24, 2015
.@POTUS explains why Black Lives Matter over a year after Michael Brown’s death — better late than never https://t.co/MrE0m3tbxZ –@ShaunKing
— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) October 23, 2015
Have info abt ppl killed by police this yr? We want to hear from you
- RT @thecounted .. https://t.co/HdbC8zbLWc… pic.twitter.com/mv6nxW8OR7
— DcSlumdog (@DcSlumdog) October 24, 2015
Our statement on the response from the DNC:
https://t.co/hBQqrjYypz #RaiseTheDebate #BLMDebate
— Black Lives Matter (@Blklivesmatter) October 22, 2015
Officer Robert Olsen said: "I feared for my life bc he was football player type." Anthony is 5 foot 7 and 147 pounds.
— Bridget (@bridgie_xoxo) October 22, 2015
Law enforcement,Politicians,media,police unions,etc ALL work together to allow these state sanctioned murders of melanoid people #CoreyJones
— Tariq Nasheed (@tariqnasheed) October 21, 2015
Officer who murdered #CoreyJones failed to follow plain-clothes protocol; Jones was legally armed. https://t.co/1mqUZf1x2C
— Stop The Wars (@sickjew) October 20, 2015
When POLICE ARE KILLED, investigations/arrests/charges all take 48 hours or less.
Police kill #TamirRice and it's 7,896 hours AND COUNTING.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 16, 2015
Exclusive: Lawsuit exposes scale of detention at off-the-books interrogation warehouse while attorneys describe find-your-client chase ‘from a Bond movie’
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This is #CoreyJones.
Murdered by Florida police on Sunday morning.
A church musician.
http://t.co/ZQhN6ezss9 pic.twitter.com/sdu5Cd7qhW
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 19, 2015
Beloved church musician shot & killed by Florida police after his car breaks down. My story on #CoreyJones
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 19, 2015
Florida Police now state that the officer who killed #CoreyJones was not wearing a body camera, not in uniform, & not in a police car.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 19, 2015
WATCH: #CoreyJones boss and housing authority CEO says longtime employee would never threaten a police officer @WPTV pic.twitter.com/c3OvK5aAWP
— Brian Entin (@BrianEntin) October 19, 2015
#CoreyJones Car brakes down on I-95 Undercover Cop pulls up, kills him
https://t.co/H35mVikENc pic.twitter.com/KEY56voB5B
— TrueBlackNews (@trueblacknews) October 19, 2015
A teen boy flashed his brights at a cop to alert the officer that his lights were too bright, 5 minutes later the cop shot him 7 times.
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Let’s see if the #AllLivesMatter folks say anything.
In all, 9 police officers were fired and 2 were charged in the killing of a Savannah college student.
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Got harassed by 3 dudes in a parking garage. Got called a bitch for ignoring. Like……….
— Bridget (@bridgie_xoxo) October 3, 2015
Why #RiseUpOctober? #NatashaMcKenna — shot with a stun gun, tasered and murdered by prison guards #SayHerName https://t.co/Rpos7v3PwD
— SMIN Chicago (@StopMassIncChi) October 11, 2015
23% of women report sexual assault in college, study finds @kellywallacetv http://t.co/Eh0nOOrvEH pic.twitter.com/bpeBmrwF5f
— CNN Health (@cnnhealth) September 23, 2015
A Florida cop has been fired for deploying his taser at an unarmed man with his hands up.
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