You have a constitutional right to film police officers in public









Killed By Police

Killed By Police







#BlackLivesMatter launches tool that lets you mark yourself “unsafe” and black in America








Police Violence in the US

Last year 102 unarmed black men, women, and children were killed by police.

Last year 102 unarmed black men, women, and children were killed by police.

#TawonBoyd dies 3 days after police beating

Family remembers TawonBoyd at vigil; Balt. Co. police, fire reviewing fatal incident:

— Baltimore County Sun (@BaltCoSun) September 26, 2016

TawonBoyd: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

— Alonso Barros (@alonsobarros) September 26, 2016

TawonBoyd's grandmother: "Ikept telling them stop…They told me to go across the street before they lock me up"

— progressivephd(@CallOut4) September 24, 2016



58 hrs learning how to shoot to kill. Only 8 hrs for de-escalation.

58 hrs learning how to shoot to kill. Only 8 hrs for de-escalation.

Josh Williams is a political prisoner. Serving The Longest Sentence From The Ferguson Protests

Josh Williams is a political prisoner. Serving The Longest Sentence From The Ferguson Protests

Mourners remember deaf man killed by police, as questions linger

Mourners remember deaf man killed by police, as questions linger

Mourners remember deaf man killed by police, as questions linger

— NBC News (@NBCNews) August 24, 2016