The Scramble for Africa


sprucely “The Scramble for Africa (1876-1914) was when European powers took over most of Africa in the late 1800s. By 1914 all of Africa was under white rule except for Ethiopia and Liberia. White rule in most places lasted till the 1960s. The European powers that took part:

  • Britain
  • France
  • Portugal
  • Germany
  • Belgium
  • Italy
  • Spain

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demographically weighted world history


“A  demographically weighted world history would cover times and places in proportion to the number of people who lived in them. The idea is that, as much as possible, every person who has ever lived would be equally represented in its pages.


For example, instead of spending 50% to 75% of its pages on the West, like most “world” histories written by Westerners seem to do, it would spend only 25%. The other 75% would be used to cover – the other 75% of the world. Western colonialism would be told from both sides.


“How many people did it affect?” would determine what got covered and what did not.”
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Christopher Columbus: father of modern-day white supremacy (part 2)

Because of the ruthless campaigns carried out by Columbus and his followers, an entire millennia’s worth of pain, misfortune, and suffering was exported from within the confines of Europe’s borders…


Community Village‘s insight:


The section about harrasing the 10 – 12 year olds reminds me of stop-n-frisk.

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Christopher Columbus: father of modern-day white supremacy (part 1)

“The popular mythology that has surrounded Christopher Columbus for the last five centuries, the exaltation of him as “discoverer” of the Americas a.k.a. the ‘New World’, was still being taught as part of elementary school curriculum and touted as historical fact in classrooms all across America as late as the dawn of the dawn of the 21st century, decades after many scholars had begun unmasking this lie.”
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The Taino genocide

The Taino genocide (1492-1518) is where the Spanish wiped out most of the Tainos (Arawaks), the native people of the northern Caribbean (present-day Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, etc). Columbus himself set it in motion and oversaw it till 1500.

According to one estimate, genocide and disease wiped out 3 million of the 3.5 million Tainos – 85%. Most were already dead when smallpox arrived in 1518.




Community Village‘s insight:


I read about this in a community college history book.

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1492: A Song of Evil by Olin Tezcatlipoca

“This video recording is from a presentation in Phoenix, Arizona on February 16, 2013. Olin Tezcatlipoca lectures with a poem on the disastrous state of our mental and economic affairs as a Nican Tlaca people, as Indigenous people.”
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