What Black Lives Matter Achieved in 2015

What Black Lives Matter Achieved in 2015

Make your voice heard for 16-year-old #GynnyaMcMillen

Make your voice heard for 16-year-old #GynnyaMcMillen

City Endangers School Kids with Illegal Traffic Signs so Cops could Write More Tickets

St. Petersburg, FL — An investigation by 10 News found that city officials in St. Petersburg intentionally used non-compliant road signage in school zones, putting children’s safety at risk, so they could write more tickets and collect revenue.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: thefreethoughtproject.com

#WDBJ #GunViolence Tweets 8.27

Cops Profile and Tramatize Innoncent Black Mother

What These Cops Do to This Black Mother and Her Young Children Is Past Despicable

Source: socialaction2014.wordpress.com


Imagine if the child had a cell phone in his hand. The police may have shot him.