“Sorry for the inconvenience we are trying to change the world” #BlackLivesMatter #ICantBreathe #nyc #Seattle pic.twitter.com/eUGsqNJ4VM
Source: twitter.com
“Sorry for the inconvenience we are trying to change the world” #BlackLivesMatter #ICantBreathe #nyc #Seattle pic.twitter.com/eUGsqNJ4VM
Source: twitter.com
The events of the past few months, now simply referred to as Ferguson, have touched off nationwide protests of a scale not seen in a half-century. From billboards to T-shirts, protest banners and news headlines – all emblazoned with the words #BlackLivesMatter – we are witnessing the makings of a social movement of the 21st century kind. The revolution that Gil Scot Heron famously said, “would not be televised”, is today, in fact, recorded and tweeted.
– Click through to read more –
Source: www.theguardian.com
Also check
How to Use Twitter to ‘Fight the Power’
by Fanshen Cox
For six and a half minutes after NYPD rookie Peter Liang, shot a completely innocent man in the chest, he was texting his union representative, and NOT calling for help.
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/innocent-man-shot-lay-dying-cop-texting-union-rep-6-minutes/#0SttGiJ8V2BchGDx.99
Source: thefreethoughtproject.com
Cops who are supposed to serve and protect are killing us.
And then, they don’t even try to save our life when they mess up.
Unarmed black man shot dead by police in Phoenix, AZ; officer claims he mistook pill bottle in man’s pocket for a gun http://t.co/rX1pnxO8Im
— Jon Swaine (@jonswaine) December 4, 2014
Cleveland, Ohio – As the riots and police state presence in Ferguson has taken center stage in the news, people in Cleveland protested the killing of a local 12-year-old boy, and also showed their support for the Michael Brown family as well. Young Tamir Rice was shot and killed by a cop this past Saturday, because…
Source: thefreethoughtproject.com
“What you hate, change it. What you value, share it. What you love, cultivate it. ”
There’s a line in this letter that says “This country has never loved us…”
I explained what the country does love in the comments.