#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 7.31

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 7.31

#SamDubose Tweets 7.30

#SamDubose Tweets 7.30

Three Other Black Men Have Died In Altercations With University Of Cincinnati Police

Federal civil court records show that, in addition to Samuel Dubose, three other people have died in altercations with University of Cincinnati police since 1997 — all of them black men.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.buzzfeed.com

America has a pattern of racial bias and a pattern of murdering Black, Latino, and Native American people.

#BlackLivesMatter  Tweets 7.29

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 7.29

#BlackLivesMatter #SandraBland Tweets 7.27

#BlackLivesMatter #SandraBland Tweets 7.27

Netroots Nation Summary – Political Candidates better get CRYSTAL CLEAR on RACIAL JUSTICE

Martin O’Malley apologized after being criticized for saying “all lives matter” in the context of a discussion about black Americans killed by police.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.cnn.com

Candidates better have SOLUTIONS to propose to racial injustice.


Candidates better ACKNOWLEDGE our pain and grief.


Candidates better say the words #BlackLivesMatter and all #BlackLivesMatter all day every day.


Silence is violence, and tone deafness will get them ZERO votes from social justice activists.

Hillary, Bernie & Jeb Don’t Get Why ‘Black Lives Matter.’ Sandra Bland Did & Now She’s Dead

Bernie is a Socialist, Hillary is a moderate, and Jeb is a conservative and none of them get why Black Lives Matter. Sandra Bland could have told them but now its too late.


Sandra Bland should never have been put in the position  where dying was preferable to living

Sourced through Scoop.it from: jeffwinbush.com

#SayHerName #SandraBland

#BlackLivesMatter #SandraBland Tweets 7.24

#BlackLivesMatter #SandraBland Tweets 7.24

#WhitePrivilege Tweets 7.23

#WhitePrivilege Tweets 7.23