#BlackLivesMatter #PoliceAbuse Tweets 9.28

#BlackLivesMatter #PoliceAbuse Tweets 9.28

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 9.24

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 9.24

#AfterCharlestonPBS #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 9.22

#AfterCharlestonPBS #BlackLivesMatter Tweets 9.22

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 9.21

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 9.21

#BlackLivesMatter #SayHerName Tweets 9.14

#BlackLivesMatter #SayHerName Tweets 9.14

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 9.7

HT @ChuckModi1

Should Be Opening Question of Syllabus in Every White School. #WhiteDenial #WhitePrivilege #WhiteSupremacy

Click through for more

Sourced through Scoop.it from: oppressionmonitor.us

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 9.7

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 9.7

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 9.3

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 9.3

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 8.31

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 8.31

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 8.26

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 8.26