“A State of Emergency”: At Least 17 Transgender Women Have Been Murdered This Year

The murder of Tamara Dominguez on Saturday in Kansas City, Missouri, marked at least the 17th murder of a transgender woman so far this year. Dominguez was repeatedly run over in a church parking lot.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: soundcloud.com

‘I Don’t Want To Die In Your Cell’; Hours Later, Woman Found Dead in Jail – DiversityInc

New video footage shows 37-year-old Ralkina Jones expressing fear for her life while held in jail, only to be discovered unresponsive on July 26.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.diversityinc.com

Condolences to the parents, family and friends of #RalkinaJones

#DeathByPolice #PoliceBrutality Tweets 8.6

#DeathByPolice #PoliceBrutality Tweets 8.6

#TheEmptyChair Tweets 8.3

#TheEmptyChair Tweets 8.3

#BlackLivesMatter  Tweets 7.29

#BlackLivesMatter Tweets 7.29

#BlackLivesMatter #SandraBland Tweets 7.27

#BlackLivesMatter #SandraBland Tweets 7.27

#BlackLivesMatter #SandraBland Tweets 7.24

#BlackLivesMatter #SandraBland Tweets 7.24

#SandraBland #SayHerName Tweets 7.22

#SandraBland #SayHerName Tweets 7.22